Fascist Florida police wrecking small business over personal agenda


It's called enforcing the law. If the people there want to change the law, they can. Till then don't fault the cops for enforcing the law and not wanting not wanting their town to turn into a moral sewer.

As for the other country thing? This is part of what makes for American Exceptionslism which is a good thing.

It's called enforcing the law. If the people there want to change the law, they can. Till then don't fault the cops for enforcing the law and not wanting not wanting their town to turn into a moral sewer.

As for the other country thing? This is part of what makes for American Exceptionslism which is a good thing.

Sure Sparky, it's Florida right? Land of morality exceptionalism. Do you know you can legally touch a stripper's vee-jay-jay in Florida if you tip here?

Here's another important one law in Florida - but they don't enforce it:

Don't Spit on the Ground in Daytona Beach. Spitting on the ground is illegal in Daytona Beach, Florida. The city's code of ordinance states that it is illegal for "any person to expectorate upon the streets or sidewalks or in public buildings or places within city limits."

As usual, you missed the point. When a law becomes antiquated, we usually move others higher in priority up the ladder of importance for enforcement. Not everyone is married. Sometimes $200 is less expansive than dating and both parties get a 2 needs satisfied 1) consensual sexual release 2) financial benefit.

You need to grow up and join the 21st Century.

Where is your boy Trump on this one? I thought he was going to be the 'law and order' President?

Meanwhile, back in Charlottesville . . .

And that is the point. Many of our 'moral laws' are antiquated. Spitting on the side walk was once against the law in some locations. Can you imagine enforcing that now? So Donald is actually pretty savvy on this one, being married to someone who likes being photographed in girl/girl nudity. He's also been to that girlie Island off New Yawk with Bubba. Trust me, he eats the crackers, drinks the wine but he doesn't bother god too much. Translation: He's cool with hookers. :cool:

Sure Sparky, it's Florida right? Land of morality exceptionalism. Do you know you can legally touch a stripper's vee-jay-jay in Florida if you tip here?

Here's another important one law in Florida - but they don't enforce it:

Don't Spit on the Ground in Daytona Beach. Spitting on the ground is illegal in Daytona Beach, Florida. The city's code of ordinance states that it is illegal for "any person to expectorate upon the streets or sidewalks or in public buildings or places within city limits."

As usual, you missed the point. When a law becomes antiquated, we usually move others higher in priority up the ladder of importance for enforcement. Not everyone is married. Sometimes $200 is less expansive than dating and both parties get a 2 needs satisfied 1) consensual sexual release 2) financial benefit.

You need to grow up and join the 21st Century.

You need to grow up and quit being a moral degenerate. Prostitution is vastly different than spittin on the sidewalk and if they want the law changed then they will change it. That ole apples and oranges thing has done tripped you up again! :D

And that is the point. Many of our 'moral laws' are antiquated. Spitting on the side walk was once against the law in some locations. Can you imagine enforcing that now? So Donald is actually pretty savvy on this one, being married to someone who likes being photographed in girl/girl nudity. He's also been to that girlie Island off New Yawk with Bubba. Trust me, he eats the crackers, drinks the wine but he doesn't bother god too much. Translation: He's cool with hookers. :cool:

Maybe he was. Hey, maybe he still is. What I know and primarily care about is that he is following through on the commitments that he has made to Christians. He is moving our agenda forward. Still has a long way to go and he could be doing more but he has followed through on what he said he would do.

Maybe he was. Hey, maybe he still is. What I know and primarily care about is that he is following through on the commitments that he has made to Christians. He is moving our agenda forward. Still has a long way to go and he could be doing more but he has followed through on what he said he would do.

That's not what Bannon says, that's not what Gingrich says............ can you read? :rolleyes:

Maybe he was. Hey, maybe he still is. What I know and primarily care about is that he is following through on the commitments that he has made to Christians. He is moving our agenda forward. Still has a long way to go and he could be doing more but he has followed through on what he said he would do.

Like what the fuck has he done for you?

Like what the fuck has he done for you?

Really? Are you do ignorant of politics you don't know? Sad!

But since I'm such a nice guy, here you go.

Unlike you, I'm not a coward who dodged questions and runs for the tall grass.

He reinstated and even toughened the Mexico City Policy, which eliminates U.S. funding for international nongovernmental organizations that perform abortions. He rescinded President Barack Obama’s protections for transgender students to use preferred bathrooms in public schools. He signed legislation that routs federal money away from Planned Parenthood. He cut off funding to the U.N. Population Fund, which critics say has long supported coercive abortions in China and other countries. He stockpiled his administration with pro-life evangelical Christians in critical roles, including Tom Price as secretary of Health and Human Services, Betsy DeVos as education secretary and Mike Pence as vice president. And, most significantly, his Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch, a conservative originalist in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, won confirmation.

Really? Are you do ignorant of politics you don't know? Sad!

But since I'm such a nice guy, here you go.

Unlike you, I'm not a coward who dodged questions and runs for the tall grass.

He reinstated and even toughened the Mexico City Policy, which eliminates U.S. funding for international nongovernmental organizations that perform abortions. He rescinded President Barack Obama’s protections for transgender students to use preferred bathrooms in public schools. He signed legislation that routs federal money away from Planned Parenthood. He cut off funding to the U.N. Population Fund, which critics say has long supported coercive abortions in China and other countries. He stockpiled his administration with pro-life evangelical Christians in critical roles, including Tom Price as secretary of Health and Human Services, Betsy DeVos as education secretary and Mike Pence as vice president. And, most significantly, his Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch, a conservative originalist in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, won confirmation.

LMFAO ! And those were his major accomplishments? A piss bill, an abortion bill to keep little disadvantaged bastards out of heaven so they can rend up in jail? Gorsuch was OK, are you aware of the Top 3 items on his agenda?
1) A wall that Mexico pays for.
2) Repeal and simultaneous replacement of Obamacare with something so good and so cheap you will shit your pants and EVERYONE will be covered.
3) Tax reform for EVERYONE.

Epic fail, epic big hat, no cattle presidente!
3) Next - a tax break for everyone.

LMFAO ! And those were his major accomplishments? A piss bill, an abortion bill to keep little disadvantaged bastards out of heaven so they can rend up in jail? Gorsuch was OK, are you aware of the Top 3 items on his agenda?
1) A wall that Mexico pays for.
2) Repeal and simultaneous replacement of Obamacare with something so good and so cheap you will shit your pants and EVERYONE will be covered.
3) Tax reform for EVERYONE.

Epic fail, epic big hat, no cattle presidente!
3) Next - a tax break for everyone.

Sparky, we were talking about the agenda that Christians were specifically interested in. I have you an impressive list of things which he has delivered on which Christians are interested in. Your opinion on them is irrelevant!

So you're the one who has failed epically!

Sparky, we were talking about the agenda that Christians were specifically interested in. I have you an impressive list of things which he has delivered on which Christians are interested in. Your opinion on them is irrelevant!

So you're the one who has failed epically!

He likes the crackers and the wine. :rolleyes:

You're just full of stupid irrelevant comments aren't you?

Regardless he is delivering on the items that are on the Christian agenda. Deal with it! :D

Actually Sparky, that was HIS little comment not mine. :cool:
Sparky, we were talking about the agenda that Christians were specifically interested in. I have you an impressive list of things which he has delivered on which Christians are interested in. Your opinion on them is irrelevant!

So you're the one who has failed epically!

Yes oh yes, here's one. Here's a really meaningful executive order. Let's clutter up all our parks with plastic bottles :)