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Farxiga Payout


Hey HQ,

Where is the 1000 dollar payout for Farxiga. First it was cash then OC Tanner, then cash again.... Either way it was supposed to be paid out with our June 30 bonus. Where is it?

And, if some of the Diabetes reps are getting 15000 for market leadership for a rolling 10 weeks, and we are helping, show us some love and give us some more cash. Thanks for fairness, oh wait this is the way it is.

Hey HQ,

Where is the 1000 dollar payout for Farxiga. First it was cash then OC Tanner, then cash again.... Either way it was supposed to be paid out with our June 30 bonus. Where is it?

And, if some of the Diabetes reps are getting 15000 for market leadership for a rolling 10 weeks, and we are helping, show us some love and give us some more cash. Thanks for fairness, oh wait this is the way it is.

You do realize that Farxiga wasn't launched in Q1, so you will probably have to wait for the Q2 payout.

You do realize that Farxiga wasn't launched in Q1, so you will probably have to wait for the Q2 payout.

Hey dumbass, it was launched Feb 7th. Last I checked, that was still Q1.

To the OP....IF anyone actually gets the 15k bonus, they are sure as hell not going to give any to you! It was a main priority for most, and it wasn't your main priority. Besides, they've told us at least 4 times they would tell us who is getting the 15k bonus in a couple days. Yea fvcking right. They've changed the criteria several times and they still don't know what to do. What will happen is 1 single group will get it. Even though many other people earned it as well. Thanks for making promises you can't keep AZ!

You do realize that Farxiga wasn't launched in Q1, so you will probably have to wait for the Q2 payout.

You have to wait for your Farxiga payout because the rest of us were selling it in February when it launched. Since you didn't start selling it until 2nd quarter, you don't deserve a payout. Are you seriously that clueless? What a douche.

Where the hell is this payout? Our pod won, and we haven't heard anything... I love how BJ says on the call "you will know in a couple of days" Pretty sure last week came and went with no news...I never seen anything like this.

My God, none of you "deserve" a damn dime on bonus payout! Hell, you are giving it free to patients! What kind of selling is involved in giving away something for free!! What doc is going to refuse a free drug for their patients???!!! No, if you had to actually compete, you miserable cry babies would fall flat on your lazy faces! Fucking leeches!

My God, none of you "deserve" a damn dime on bonus payout! Hell, you are giving it free to patients! What kind of selling is involved in giving away something for free!! What doc is going to refuse a free drug for their patients???!!! No, if you had to actually compete, you miserable cry babies would fall flat on your lazy faces! Fucking leeches!

There's a difference btw thinking you're entitled to more money, and the company offering a deal if you achieve a certain percentage. The point is, they made the deal, have changed it several times, and mentioned we would get the info several times when nothing has happened. They have th e data since it is now only the first 10 weeks of launch, but they're trying to figure out another criteria to fit so that they don't have to pay people. Just admit it BJ so we can move on. Stop making promises you can't keep on conference calls.

What call

3-4 pm ops cc.. but its about Azengage. We need to be on it and rip their azz about not getting expense reports paid and processed, total lack of communication in many areas, concur not downloading expenses. we are multiple reports behind. I guarantee if we didn't get our sh*t in they'd just fire us. Yet they'll let this mess go on blindly with a bunch of foreign workers. Push us to do more of this and that, breakfasts, lunches, blah blah blah. These bills are tied to my name and responsibility. AZ doesn't pay, I don't spend any more.

ha ha ha on conf call today, same question was posed (again). Answer was, we have been calculating this and have "just" received approval to release some results. Should see those in the next week or so...... guess they're carefully calculating how best to not pay.

ha ha ha on conf call today, same question was posed (again). Answer was, we have been calculating this and have "just" received approval to release some results. Should see those in the next week or so...... guess they're carefully calculating how best to not pay.

I think that's at least the 5th time they have told us that. They've had the results. You are exactly right, they are calculating how few reps they could pay out.

ha ha ha on conf call today, same question was posed (again). Answer was, we have been calculating this and have "just" received approval to release some results. Should see those in the next week or so...... guess they're carefully calculating how best to not pay.

Did they come to any conclusion as to how to get the right doctors in the right territory and pay the right individuals

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