An incredibly honest post!!! Thank you for having the guts to say it, and to say it so well.
This same kind of managerial crap has been going on for a long, long time at Lilly. You would think that people in senior management would finally see the light and pull their heads out of their asses on this issue. Or perhaps I got it mixed up....pull their heads out of their asses, THEN see the light.
If this is the best that corporate Lilly has to offer when it comes to tiering, calls per day, and "planning dialogues", then truly Lilly is the dumbest of them all.
This same kind of managerial crap has been going on for a long, long time at Lilly. You would think that people in senior management would finally see the light and pull their heads out of their asses on this issue. Or perhaps I got it mixed up....pull their heads out of their asses, THEN see the light.
If this is the best that corporate Lilly has to offer when it comes to tiering, calls per day, and "planning dialogues", then truly Lilly is the dumbest of them all.