Fall POA reviews

Racism? Play on YOUR race? What the hell kind of race are you? I saw tons of disco, gangsters (the original ones from the 30s & 40s), hippies etc. File your complaint...TYPICAL

It’s actually not as TYPICAL as you would think. Unfortunately idiots like this poster cloud the fact that ACTUAL systemic racism does exist, but looking for an opportunity to be offended doesn’t help at all. Is there racism or sexism here? Maybe. But if you’re going to call it out, don’t use something as lame as someone wearing a costume.

Great point...to my point. The phrase 'institutional racism' is nothing but a catchy phrase that minorities - looking for an excuse for their own short-comings - and self-loathing, white liberal politicians - needing to hang on to the minority vote - can continue to claim that racism still pervades throughout the country without ACTUALLY having ANY proof.

Racism? Play on YOUR race? What the hell kind of race are you? I saw tons of disco, gangsters (the original ones from the 30s & 40s), hippies etc. File your complaint...TYPICAL

I probably will you fucking lib Millennial

what's typical is fucks like you who find it normal to dress up like a teeny bopper and drink till your hearts content. Here's one for you fucknut-would you have partied it up like that at home if you had to pay for it? yeah, i didnt think so. Typical free loader

Go back to your desk and work on some more analytics.

I probably will you fucking lib Millennial

what's typical is fucks like you who find it normal to dress up like a teeny bopper and drink till your hearts content. Here's one for you fucknut-would you have partied it up like that at home if you had to pay for it? yeah, i didnt think so. Typical free loader

Go back to your desk and work on some more analytics.

Can I get an Amen! Entitlement in the millennial crowd is rampant - gimme gimme gimme

Can I get an Amen! Entitlement in the millennial crowd is rampant - gimme gimme gimme

And we've got more than our fair share at this company too

What I like at these meetings is we all act like we actually are going to make a difference in what providers do. We act like we work our asses off every day from 8-5 when the real truth is nobody is hardly working. And we all know it

We know everyone starts late, has a lunch, and then cuts out early. We hope to have favorable MC access. We hope for good weeklys knowing full well that we make very little difference. All luck

These millennial act like they know whats going on. They dont. They work smart, meaning their fantastic at running reports and analyzing but they sure don't work hard. The fucking don't even know what that means. And that includes the shit faces up on stage last week

The minimal cost for the POS POA was 3.5 million dollars. Not counting last day, transportation, 3rd party Florida travel group, those that had to come in on Sunday, equipment rental, or break food.

Did we really spend 5 million bucks for that horseshit meeting? Wheres the BOD?

No it won't. Sales have already flattened out. We need to have these meetings so some folks can justify their position. Take big Ross for example. Do you in your right mind think he knows what he's talking about? How about PW? How about manager field visits? They know it's a waste of time but need to do it. If there are no field visits, there is no need for a manager. The place blows shit

Agree for the most part. Every once in a while they hit something-marketing team does.

First 2 days complete waste with general sessions. Friday was useless. That leaves 2 days left. On the CV side, we roll played (make believe) the entire day-so another complete waste of time. Who dreams this agenda up? That leaves one day of doing anything that resembles usefulness, and if you look closer that might be trimmed too.

There's little value in the week long POA meetings. And the butt kissing managers are really something to watch. Seeing them go from table to table in roll playing to make sure we behaving like good little children is comical. Keep up the strong work ass kissers

CV team here

We've been hearing how marketing direction is all from SNY now. With no SNY involvement at the last meeting, it was total over the top big pharma. Maybe even more than that. Its what we've become. And its pathetic.Who comes up with the thursday agenda where we "practice" calls all day? That includes giving fake discussion answers to providers all in the name of being "bold". You try talking to docs in my territory like that and your ass gets thrown out the door. Then we get the chaperones every month to make sure were following orders from the worthless POS management team above.

What a deal

As you scratch your head and wonder what could possibly be wrong, pull your head out of the ass and try to think logically. But you say you cant do that? Then get ready for more of the same lack luster performance

thats pretty funny actually. i think this place is the fucking shits. doing my time. getting ready to cash in. oh wait, its not worth anything. WTF? anyway who gives a fuck? morale in the shitter

I just utilized the skills developed at the POA with the new JAMA reprint holder. I closed my provider hard because I know I've earned the right. And it worked! MD said sounds great and now she will be using Pralulent for all ASCVD pattens who have had a prior MI! Thank you so much for the training!

I just utilized the skills developed at the POA with the new JAMA reprint holder. I closed my provider hard because I know I've earned the right. And it worked! MD said sounds great and now she will be using Pralulent for all ASCVD pattens who have had a prior MI! Thank you so much for the training!

That's awesome, now record it as a voicemail and send to your manager so he/she can send out your success story to the team.

And now they want surveys on the POA? Like they actually listen/care? What a bunch of Fuc*tards. Lets go and have another full week of useless meetings in 6 months. Make sure its in Florida too-we dont want to inconvenience any of the east coast clowns. What a circus this place has turned out to be

And now they want surveys on the POA? Like they actually listen/care? What a bunch of Fuc*tards. Lets go and have another full week of useless meetings in 6 months. Make sure its in Florida too-we dont want to inconvenience any of the east coast clowns. What a circus this place has turned out to be

Hey ungrateful turd head, be thankful you have a good paying job and you probably don’t have to extend yourself more than 5 hours a day. Leave if you don’t like the “circus “

I just utilized the skills developed at the POA with the new JAMA reprint holder. I closed my provider hard because I know I've earned the right. And it worked! MD said sounds great and now she will be using Pralulent for all ASCVD pattens who have had a prior MI! Thank you so much for the training!
That’s f’n beautiful man. You are the sales god because you’re saving lives.

Regeneron has become a circus! And if you’re going to complain you should leave.

So many talented people have left and they haven’t come back!
They work less, have better role, respected among peers and leadership , and probably make more money.

It’s good for some who don’t care about metrics and data dumping. But if you want to grow and do more then it’s time move on.

Hey ungrateful turd head, be thankful you have a good paying job and you probably don’t have to extend yourself more than 5 hours a day. Leave if you don’t like the “circus “

Ah shut up shit face. Where do you get the idea i only work 5 hours a day? You must be one of those fucking old time reps. I will be leaving the "circus" soon bitch ass. Just waiting for a few things to fall into place.

I wont be returning my signing bonus either you POS. There, now you dont have to sound like a broken record. Now eat this

Ah shut up shit face. Where do you get the idea i only work 5 hours a day? You must be one of those fucking old time reps. I will be leaving the "circus" soon bitch ass. Just waiting for a few things to fall into place.

I wont be returning my signing bonus either you POS. There, now you dont have to sound like a broken record. Now eat this

Again, return your sign on bonus you thief. Your not the person we thought you were. You owe us Napoleon Dynamite. Your an embarrassment to Regeneron. Got 120k base and sign on bonus for generating 30 Trx per week. Wow you really killed it. What a loss to lose a simpleton like you.