Fall POA reviews

Think about the money wasted in Orlando. When we have no program money,no samples, insane quotas,poor bonus... I will think back to my costume and this meeting and know it was all worth it.

Bored out of mind at this meeting . Waste of money. I wish we could wear our costumes to breakouts and general sessions to show our commitment to excellence . Let's party. Len rules!!!

God this is so horse shit

The time wasted at this meeting has been epic! Listening to our "leaders" talk to us all day long. Waste of time workout sessions. A whole day wasted on Thursday role playing-make believing. Whats with PW's new look? A little cosmetic surgery never hurt anyone. We like to use cosmetic surgery on lots of things Regeneron. Fix it or fake it. We choose to fake it. One star review

Hilarious! That Moment when Rich O says “keep me honest?” Really Rich? Literally, no one can keep you honest let alone your arrogant back stabbing self. Dumb ass.

This meeting has been a waste. Criminal on the amount of money spent. 1 day worth of material spread over 5 days. Brilliant. If shareholders were forced to attend this debacle heads would roll. I feel like I'm headed to a pap smear this morning.

I can't believe they are still doing the costume party, I found it degrading. It's a great choice, dress up and feel like a complete nimrod in a costume or risk damaging your career via the perception of not being a team player.

I can't believe they are still doing the costume party, I found it degrading. It's a great choice, dress up and feel like a complete nimrod in a costume or risk damaging your career via the perception of not being a team player.

I agree! I may file a complaint of racism after this costume meeting. Im so tired of the fake family thing when all sorts of people/costumes are a play on my race. Its not funny anymore

oh Gabe me a break! Get your panties out of a bunch and have some fun. Or leave.

eat shit tough guy. im not leaving. and im not turning my signing bonus over either DH. You must be one of the youngsters who have a grand old time dressing up in costume and pretending. Like the free beer too? Yeah, we know your ilk. Its always good when someone else pays isn't it?

Now go and implement the fantastic things you learned this week at the meeting. You'll be a guaranteed failure. Have another free beer DH

I agree! I may file a complaint of racism after this costume meeting. Im so tired of the fake family thing when all sorts of people/costumes are a play on my race. Its not funny anymore

Racism? Play on YOUR race? What the hell kind of race are you? I saw tons of disco, gangsters (the original ones from the 30s & 40s), hippies etc. File your complaint...TYPICAL