LOVE the latest RIC email about no visitors, even for lunch, unless they have a business reason to be there. I guess people won't be bringing their kids and spouses in anymore. Hmmm, I know I've seen EB-G's family inside the building, I wonder if she'll be enforcing this new rule on herself as well.

Does the Man think his company is a top secret government agency or something?

LOVE the latest RIC email about no visitors, even for lunch, unless they have a business reason to be there. I guess people won't be bringing their kids and spouses in anymore. Hmmm, I know I've seen EB-G's family inside the building, I wonder if she'll be enforcing this new rule on herself as well.

Up Next: No one shall leave for lunch during company hours unless it is for a business reason!

Up Next: No one shall leave for lunch during company hours unless it is for a business reason!

Let's see:
1. Spending all day on the internet.
2. Continuously on CafePharma.
3. Having friends and famiy just hanging out in the building.
4. Watching "Rent" on dvd at your desk.

and you accuse DGB of being wrong? When you get fired, this is why. Novel idea, spend your time actually working or doing something constructive. At least the parrot guy is focused on improving his mind.

Love watching lab people fight. Its like watching the native americans fight each other while the white man comes onto their land. Lab industry is on borrowed time. In vivo diagnsotics, point of care will be here very soon and then its goodbye Labcorp, quest, bostwick. Probably a good thing if people like you work in the lab industry. The name Gynecore will be readopted after prostitution becomes legal.

Love watching lab people fight. Its like watching the native americans fight each other while the white man comes onto their land. Lab industry is on borrowed time. In vivo diagnsotics, point of care will be here very soon and then its goodbye Labcorp, quest, bostwick. Probably a good thing if people like you work in the lab industry. The name Gynecore will be readopted after prostitution becomes legal.

That's while it is all the more important to develop the business. Once legalized, we can provide the prostitues AND the testing...... We'll call it Gynewhore.... Maybe they'll move me to marketing

Let's see:
1. Spending all day on the internet.
2. Continuously on CafePharma.
3. Having friends and famiy just hanging out in the building.
4. Watching "Rent" on dvd at your desk.

and you accuse DGB of being wrong? When you get fired, this is why. Novel idea, spend your time actually working or doing something constructive. At least the parrot guy is focused on improving his mind.

You forgot one.
5. Interoffice affairs and lunchtime luv in the parking lot!

Let's see:
1. Spending all day on the internet.
2. Continuously on CafePharma.
3. Having friends and famiy just hanging out in the building.
4. Watching "Rent" on dvd at your desk.

and you accuse DGB of being wrong? When you get fired, this is why. Novel idea, spend your time actually working or doing something constructive. At least the parrot guy is focused on improving his mind.

1. It takes me just as many minutes to reply to these as it does you, so why does that make you any better for being on the internet?
2. You respond to every post, so again, you're guilty of the same "crime".
3. I've never had friends or family visit the building. I have, however, seen several people bringing their spouses and children in the building, including the person that wrote the email, EB-G. I don't know what act started this new rule. Supposedly, it's because of HIPAA regulations.
4. Oh yes, I obsess over "Rent" and watch it constantly at my desk. (Do I also need to explain what sarcasm is?) Is that as bad as the pathologists and sales people that watch porn on the company laptops?

I did not write the post that you responded to, however, I felt a need to comment on your list of double standards.

~Your Psittacine Friend

If you read the EmployeeS manual, tehre's all kinds of stuff we can't do, sleep at work, get drunk, use drugs. I'm going to quit in protest!!! Who's with me? LEGALIZE IT!!!!!!!

Oh yes, having someone come for lunch is EXACTLY the same as sleeping at work, getting drunk and using drugs. EXACTLY the same.