Facts for Analysts

It happened under Umberto Antunes too, yes. But it is not SOP. And I should know, as I was brought it to clean up the trade loading / stock in trade mess when Galderma’s growth came crashing first time. Under Nestle ownership trade loading was a sackable offense. Many of us spent years cleaning the mess up. Everything we did under Stuart’s leadership to run a healthy business was destroyed by Flemming and the EQT greed to generate (fake) growth at any cost.
Greetings from Europe. I was also one of those hired to clean up 2+ years excess trade inventory, forfeiting bonus to get back to a healthy P&L. Ex-Galderma now. Thanks for nothing Flemming.
Factor this into the equation for Nemo launch. Both leaders that were leading Nemo launch globally and in the U.S. were canned 1 month before a biologic launch that is supposed to direct future direction for Galderma. Galderma has no biologic launch experience and doesn’t have anyone on the team that has ever launched a biologic either. That should be factored into the stock price. Also dermatologists are up in arms about Galderma not knowing the basics. The company has spent 300M on going to market and has nothing to show for it.
At the launch PARTY for Nemo and its a joke. Yep its more party than content. Preparation for Nemo is no where close to what a biologic launch should be. Dont fall for the carefully planned flashy news flashes about Record this or that...when you sucked big time in 2023 everything y-o-y will look good in 2024. Likewise if sales are zero for nemo right now ... even 5 M by end of the year will be great! Dont fall for this crap...Sell Galderma stock and bring it to the right valuation. Its a horrible place to work with really unhappy people - you cent get excellence in execution
Weakness of the US economy is a reality with share prices reflecting a real fear that the economy could collapse. In an already weak filler market, this is more bad news. Trade loading in such an environment is a ticking time bombe.
Weakness of the US economy is a reality with share prices reflecting a real fear that the economy could collapse. In an already weak filler market, this is more bad news. Trade loading in such an environment is a ticking time bombe.
They are hitching their hopes to GLPs and reviving filler market with facial melting bullshit. That lizard ahole Flemming vowed to ride the wave. The quota for Q3 will be huge it is not linear. For the first two months it’s linear and then it goes up exponentially for September. They will all get shat in the face.
Was talking to a trader friend yesterday and he asked what I thought of dermatology and Galderma listing and how I liked the company post ipo. While I did not have much positive to say you Galderma, I did point out to him the artificially inflated sell in numbers and q3 iotas being ridiculously high and is not being able to achieve it. Let’s we what they do with the trade on GALD.
It happened under Umberto Antunes too, yes. But it is not SOP. And I should know, as I was brought it to clean up the trade loading / stock in trade mess when Galderma’s growth came crashing first time. Under Nestle ownership trade loading was a sackable offense. Many of us spent years cleaning the mess up. Everything we did under Stuart’s leadership to run a healthy business was destroyed by Flemming and the EQT greed to generate (fake) growth at any cost.
This is all analysts need to know. It happened in the past and it’s happening again.
Are u sure? You’re clearly a very intelligent person and understand that sales teams generate revenue. You also acknowledge there’s a sales talent problem. That is hard to fix given the culture of the company. As a result you can’t expect stellar execution -> lower revenue -> stock price lower. Sales team is the main channel for generating revenue. Appreciate the input.
If sales talent is the issue wouldn’t that be the directors fault and leaderships fault for hiring such lackluster reps? Do they not know how to interview people. Leadership needs to go.
To analysts: As an insider at the company, dont fall for the flashy news. Inside of the company is rotten. It will not survive and will result in reputation and value desctruction.
Flemming’s latestet Linkedin post on Q3 results is vomit inducing. The numbers are not bad but at what cost? People commenting and congratulating him obviously only see the top of the iceberg, not the base which is falling apart. Employee turnover is a disaster, business practices questionable and pipelines across all businesses desperately empty.
Flemming’s latestet Linkedin post on Q3 results is vomit inducing. The numbers are not bad but at what cost? People commenting and congratulating him obviously only see the top of the iceberg, not the base which is falling apart. Employee turnover is a disaster, business practices questionable and pipelines across all businesses desperately empty.
fleming looks like a dead man walking on that post:)