F2F GSK contract

They aren't lame (do have a good gig), really not hard to find qualified, over qualified reps with experience, throw in candidates outside of pharma and it ain't that hard to find anyone. They probably spend hours a day just deleting emails and pleading voice mail messages. Be patient they'll call (maybe)

No. I have not received a call to schedule a face to face as of this morning.

I received very good feedback from my phone interview and was pretty much told I should anticipate a F2F.

It appears no one has been called yet. Hang in there.

I have interview scheduled for this Monday in LA. MANY people will be interviewing on this days, reps will be flown in, interviewed, if chosen as finalist, will interview again in evening, and you will know before you leave if you have the job.

Well then, I guess I was not selected to move on to a F2F.
That answers any doubt I had about whether or not it would be a good decision to join in the GSK fiasco. I guess the GSK reps are absolutely miserable with all their testing and other evaluations.

Recruiter 'interview' is just a basic quick screen.. Are you able to work in the USA? Have valid D/L with no recent issues? Have any experience? what'd you sell? Recruiter weeds out a few, then shoots a pool of names to hiring DMs who then decide who'd they like to interview (weeding more out without even having to make call).. so Recruiter gets 100 names, talks to 20, sends in 12, hiring DMs talk to 6, F2F 4, hire 1 ,