

What a total waste of time in Nashville. PW is degrading and demeaning and creates the worst culture in Regeneron (and possibly the industry). Everyone is scared of her, me too! She leads with fear and attacks! Her tone makes me cringe! Was Greg hired to replace PW or DW? Heard he was a disaster at Novartis. How many sessions were repetitive AND ran over the scheduled time? What’s up with the new Texas Mgr? Don’t know her but she’s a total kiss ass and needs to earn her stripes before chiming in! Just my thoughts...agree or disagree?

Last I looked we hit an all time high, must be doing something right. Here’s a tip, pull yourself up by achieving more instead of anonymously attacking others, especially at a company that has so few women in leadership positions

you sure are jealous why else would you post anonymously? if she were so lousy how’d we hit an all time high in sales? why wouldn’t the company term her? I’ve been here 6 years, you are typical, anyone with success is lucky, an ass kisser or slept there way there. you create that reality to live with your lack of accomplishments and to blame others. If you can stomach it, go have a look in the mirror. You’ll see a loser and a coward

Imagine looking to your left, while taking heavy gun fire, during a battle in the Vietnam war and seeing Hillary Clinton or Oprah. How optimistic would you be about your chances of winning the battle and or living?

Imagine looking to your left, while taking heavy gun fire, during a battle in the Vietnam war and seeing Hillary Clinton or Oprah. How optimistic would you be about your chances of winning the battle and or living?

I'd be very optimistic that I would be able to provide enough leadership to Hillary or Oprah and successfully hold/advance our position on the enemy or retreat and live to fight another day. No shame in retreating. I do find it somewhat cowardly to surrender. You either hold/advance, retreat, or die. You are in a war every single day for market share.