Eye Care morale at an all time low...

Even if it's true, maybe it is/maybe it isn't... what are we supposed to do with that info?

Nothing, because management doesn't care what we say or think; so why worry about it? What are you going to do... get your shitty $85/hr lawyer and try to get some lawsuit all while you get fired for acting against the company?

Look, no one really cares about your skepticism. Most likely you were one of the reps who were told they did well last year, and it makes you uncomfortable to think that these numbers are literally pulled out of Abbvie ass (which they are).

Why don't you just stay off cafe pharma until after the NSM later this month- I guarantee it'll be addressed...if the updated rank report isn't sent out before then.

Wait what?? What else are they doing with the numbers? Is This company corrupt? Green rep here. What have I gotten myself into? How come we haven’t heard anything about this?

Here's the thing...it does sound totally crazy and unbelievable. But it's happening. The email said a revised ranking report would be published, so eventually everyone should be able to see that there were changes made. I've heard that at least 1 person who wasn't announced for club on the "awards ceremony" got a call saying there was a mistake and they actually did make the trip. I'm going to venture a guess that you're in the western half of the country because this issue seems isolated to east coast/southeast reps. Call some of those people and see what they've heard and then decide if you think this is a bunch of lies.

West coast reps were affected as well...I doubt they can change some people's rankings and have it not really affect the whole country across the board

Look, no one really cares about your skepticism. Most likely you were one of the reps who were told they did well last year, and it makes you uncomfortable to think that these numbers are literally pulled out of Abbvie ass (which they are).

Why don't you just stay off cafe pharma until after the NSM later this month- I guarantee it'll be addressed...if the updated rank report isn't sent out before then.

Lol, I'll look forward to it being addressed and I'll look forward to it not making a lick of difference to my day to day life.

Doesn’t mean anything to you since you are consistently sitting at the bottom. Good day chap. Hi sweet cheeks. Glad you are on here responding. Love u with all my fingers and toes you cute little chunk

Doesn’t mean anything to you since you are consistently sitting at the bottom. Good day chap. Hi sweet cheeks. Glad you are on here responding. Love u with all my fingers and toes you cute little chunk

Do you even go here? That makes no sense- the people at the bottom are the ones who’d care least about this issue because their bonus was s*** to begin with anyways.

Get off this board you troll, go back to peddling your nose spray

If you think rankings actually mean anything all you're doing is fooling yourself.

Are you on crack? Rankings are EVERYTHING at Allergan. If you’re not in the top 10% you’re existence is of no value to them.

You’ll care about the rankings when they want you gone and f*ck with your numbers and want you gone.

You must be new to this morally upstanding company.

Whatever you do DO NOT GO TO HR. They are there to basically tell everything you tell them to management so they can back them up and turn against you. And there’s one primary offender. And her initials are AH.

Go to Compliance if you want to be taken seriously and treated with respect.

Actually no. I won’t need to pay a lawyer. He will gladly take the case for free. It’s a slam dunk.

A whistleblower would love nothing more than the prove Allergan management messed with numbers to get rid of folks. It’s like a dream come true to them.

Bring big Pharma down for shady, corrupt sh*t. Ching Ching $$$$. Let’s see the exactly where the 3rd party vendor went wrong…riiiiiiight.

Who is actually working on St Patrick’s Day. Most of the sales force is either faking sick or faking calls. No one even cares anymore. Even most managers are trying to blow this joint. Good day mate.

Newer rep here. Is allergan going to have lay offs soon? A recruiter reached out to me about a position scrubbing toilets. Sounds like a better opportunity so I didn’t know if I should wait for a severance so I can double dip. Any suggestions?

Apparently they sent out an email at 3:30 EST saying that there was a “data issue”, and that they’re re-processing payouts for the 3/18 pay date.

Also, an updated rank report will be published…how did they let this happen, and how can we ever trust this data?

This isn’t the first time the data’s seemed inaccurate, and it’s been even more sketchy since the launch. I have multiple doctors tell me they’ve written Vuity and even have patients already getting refills with NOTHING tied to them in Advance

It will be hard to ever trust numbers again for sure. In regards to docs saying they’ve written but it’s not showing up, I don’t know that I would depend on that. How often do our doctors lie to us about using our products? I think sometimes they do it to be “nice” and sometimes to yes us out the door, but also the script doesn’t count until the patient fills it. We know they get abandoned all the time for various reasons. Unfortunately I don’t think we can take their word for it that they’ve written and assume the numbers are wrong all the time.

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