I just called in sick. who's next
I didn't call in sick, but i'm spending today interviewing with 2 companies.
I just called in sick. who's next
Actually, it was when vt was reg mgr and everyone began to see the horror of how she manages. We all went to see the sd b4 her and to hr, but nothing happened. So, NOBODY feels sorry for Dr. M. He knew how she was and is and he unleashed her onto the sales reps like it was some kind of punishment. I hope DR. M knows NOBODY, or least, 98% of people will NOT work to their potential or be allowed to. VT will fire your ass. LOOK at ALL the different examples of people being fired. I hope Dr. M has trouble sleeping at night because he's realized what he's done and he knows VT will not let him fire her. He thought he had problems when bd was sd..........I wonder what he thinks now.
I don't know what problems Dr M thought he had with bd, the reps were happy, we were growing our business and we wanted to work for MDL, I for one was proud to work for MDL. It's amazing what can happen in a little over a year. As for VT, I have gotten the feeling that Dr M idolizes her and how she manages. He knew what he was getting into, and I think he is happy with how much money he is saving, even if it is at our expense. His BS act of caring for the "little guy" is totally bogus. I 've heard from numerous people how he used to act like the king at his big holiday parties every year (unfortunately I never got there). Most people would have rather had a few extra bucks in their paycheck than go to a big party to pay homage to the "king and queen". He acts all humble and it's "all about science", but he really is all about money, and VT feeds right into his greed at our expense, and she shows nothing but contempt for us the whole time. All with his blessing. I really think bd knew who she was and did his best to keep her restrained. We used to be able to go to him to override her assinine decisions that kept us from getting business, but I think Dr M kept him from firing her. I actually had convos with bd about it and even tho he said she wasn't all that bad and there was a lot we could learn from her, I don't think he was convinced, but had his hands tied.
Just IMO
Are you still with the company?
Obviously an outsider, otherwise you'd know that VT wants names, and checks randomly if those people were there or work at the office. She will fire someone on the spot if info doesn't add up. So much for the accounting tip sherlock.
Obviously an outsider, otherwise you'd know that VT wants names, and checks randomly if those people were there or work at the office. She will fire someone on the spot if info doesn't add up. So much for the accounting tip sherlock.
Oh That's a really goood one.......... c'mon, say something else, make me laugh..
does anyone know what range in annual revenue mdl is at? is it going up or down from previous years? why is there extreme turn over? who is the sales director? what's his record? is it public or private? if private...know anything about the owner? what's the morale like with sales reps?
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ..... that WAS even better than the last one, now stop, you're killing me, my ribs hurt.
If you have so many complaints about the company then bring them up during the national sales meeting. That way everyone who is on board with you can chime in. How does that sound?
Why dont you go fuck yourself! or quit! We dont need your attitude in this company!
If you have so many complaints about the company then bring them up during the national sales meeting. That way everyone who is on board with you can chime in. How does that sound?
Oh , this is such a good idea! What a moron! What do you expect, everyone to start throwing tomatos at the stage?
Why dont you go fuck yourself! or quit! We dont need your attitude in this company!