Expense report changes.....really?


Nice roll out today. New system doesn’t even work for most. Yet no communication today. Let’s have a 1000 reps company wide call the help desk and sit on hold forever. Or, you could just send an email and tell us glitches and give us direction to wait while worked on.

Items under $75 no receipt required yet not working. Itemized items ($75 total for internet and phone. What a joke). Auditing reports to make sure fleet card used on rental cars. Expenses from old system not imported so now I have to pore over every expense from before. This is a nightmare. This company can’t get out of its own way.
YOTF It’s a totaL insult. At least don’t lie and say the new system is to make our lives easier. Lying liars. Just like always. This is the worst company for systems and processes. Doesn’t have to be this hard.

Items under $75 no receipt required yet not working. Itemized items ($75 total for internet and phone. What a joke). Auditing reports to make sure fleet card used on rental cars. Expenses from old system not imported so now I have to pore over every expense from before. This is a nightmare. This company can’t get out of its own way.
YOTF It’s a totaL insult. At least don’t lie and say the new system is to make our lives easier. Lying liars. Just like always. This is the worst company for systems and processes. Doesn’t have to be this hard.

Agree that the process is not easy. Coming from another biotech company, it was so simple and things worked really well so this is frustrating for sure.

I don’t understand why Novartis cannot ever seem to roll out a new technology without major problems and big lack of communication.

Veeva last spring. Big mess.
New medical events entering procedure 2019. Really big mess.
Concur now. Works for some apparently and most others not. Zero communication from Corp on what happening. When will be fixed. How to proceed. Waste of everyone’s time.

I guess Veeva exchange and clear slides worked well initially, but who cares. No one using.

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