Yes, JD did make a lot of promises to get people to come onboard with this shitty startup. Promotions were promised within 6 months and uncapped bonus well over $30,000.00 were promised. This company continues to lie to the sales force. We are the ones generating the business that does not get covered due to reimbursement. If the bonus plan paid better maybe it would be worth sticking it out until the expansion in November. Doubtful though since the payouts will continue to get smaller.
How many people made the uncapped bonus? None.
How many people are excited about the expansion? None (except the RSSs that want to be managers). Means less scripts if you shrink my territory.
How many RSS are looking for other jobs? 20 (especially if you are not in the Top 20).
The expansion is dependent on the KDIGO guidelines stating that Rayaldee is the next best thing for CKD 3/4 patients. If KDIGO doesn't have a very strong statement stating to "use Rayaldee", the expansion won't happen. Why do you think the company has Sept. as the start date?