Expansion for new drug?

so should they just say hire you because your self inflated view of yourself? Gauntlet? its called interviewing and find me a place where you dont get interviewed by multiple people-actually id stay away from any company that wasnt doing their diligence in recruitment. move on you OTC lotion "sales" person

so should they just say hire you because your self inflated view of yourself? Gauntlet? its called interviewing and find me a place where you dont get interviewed by multiple people-actually id stay away from any company that wasnt doing their diligence in recruitment. move on you OTC lotion "sales" person

You must be in management. I had a phone interview with the Regional in Dec. I'm doing very well where I am, actually making Pres Club. The Regional got my info from LinkedIn. So don't be so sure I'm a Loser OTC "salesperson", because I'm not. My point is this, I'm happy where I am, but always open to a better opportunity. However, I'm not going to kill
myself with intense or extensive interview. It doesn't mean that much to me. Let a loser OTC sales rep interview, like you did. It's a pissant little company anyway. With that said if they are putting people through this panel interview bullshit I hope it's worth their while, as in big money!

so should they just say hire you because your self inflated view of yourself? Gauntlet? its called interviewing and find me a place where you dont get interviewed by multiple people-actually id stay away from any company that wasnt doing their diligence in recruitment. move on you OTC lotion "sales" person

Why yes, as a matter of fact they should. Hahaahahahahahahhahahahahhhh

so should they just say hire you because your self inflated view of yourself? Gauntlet? its called interviewing and find me a place where you dont get interviewed by multiple people-actually id stay away from any company that wasnt doing their diligence in recruitment. move on you OTC lotion "sales" person

when will the interviews begin? and when will training begin? Got contacted by recruiter. What is the pay?

na just ask the lotion rep who posted a few up from this- cant miss it-the guy who is full of himself that he cant be bothered with interviews. must be trolling in hopes of making a movie like his loser pal from pizzer. then again it is just a little company, a little company who's stock is up 35% in 6 months but that doesnt matter at all to "the hire me guy- i can just imagine what this queer looks like on linked in. cmon dude is there a 16x24 photo of yourself and your puppy above your bed??