Exogen ethics question

He/she is. They are obviously trying to stir the pot. Possibly some former disgruntled employee to ignore.

Disgruntled taxpayer is more like it. Disappointed homecare provider that follows accreditation standards and provides what is medically necessary and reasonable. Just happy to see you all go down .....together....seeing how you have all gotten together to make sure nobody rents, I'm sure they will throw in anti trust and price fixing into the mix. Current record for fraud is $800M plus $600M damages totaling $1.4B. What's the over/under in the "the great bone stim scam".

Disgruntled taxpayer is more like it. Disappointed homecare provider that follows accreditation standards and provides what is medically necessary and reasonable. Just happy to see you all go down .....together....seeing how you have all gotten together to make sure nobody rents, I'm sure they will throw in anti trust and price fixing into the mix. Current record for fraud is $800M plus $600M damages totaling $1.4B. What's the over/under in the "the great bone stim scam".

So basically you're just upset because you're not the one getting paid? That doesn't seem right Mr. Bierman.

So basically you're just upset because you're not the one getting paid? That doesn't seem right Mr. Bierman.

I wish....no, I'm already doing quite well serving 3500 enteral patients and 12,000 diabetic patients at home supported by dietitians who actually visit the patient monthly. I've billed Medicare tens of millions per year since 1979. I follow these things closely as I begin another career as an RAC to help our industry. You know what you've been doing and there are many in the DME industry has looked at this with dismay. This guy Bierman actually did something about it. If you people don't have the infrastructure to do things properly, you shouldn't be billing a homecare equipment item. The items we provide all require rental choice and medical duration of need or it does not get paid. Patient follow up and continued care is required. These are basic Medicare rules. Better double check with your accreditation manual. We are just happy to see this issue surface. We just took a 9.5% hit because of budget constraints and you guys overbill Medicare $100mil a year. Maybe it should be competitively bid and you 4 can get together for coffee, keep the margins at 7000%. Maybe it's guys like you is why they started competitive bidding in the first place.

If these bone stims are SUPPOSE to have a "rental option" then why isn't Medicare mandating that?

As reps we are told that we cannot rent out bone stims because the transducers are not able to be autoclaved.

Do people rent slings, boots, etc? I sure wouldn't want somebody else's staph infection, would you?

By the way, the Exogen unit has helped many medicare patients avoid another costly surgery and the cost is justified. Quit trying to stir up trouble that does not exist. Medicare approves these orders based and the majority of these patients get a non-healing fracture healed so they can get on with their life.

I have been a part of many a medicare patient being able to go from a wheelchair to walking within a month or so. That is why a surgeon will continue to utilize this product....because it works and has the ability to SAVE, yes SAVE, the system a lot of money.

You do sound like a disgruntled past employee.

you can rent them see exogenrental.com
They are sanitizing using the same uv light , heat and sanitizers that are used for scalpel that has been used in a previous surgery.

I asked them about insurance and medicare, they have no interest in getting involved in that.

They will charge you up front and reimbursement may or may not be available to you.

But really, if the doctor , dentist uses untensils on multiple patients, why should you not be able to rent one of these.

My wife is an attorney, and she agree.

Bunch of crap

You mean to say that if a fx is over 90 days old and the Doc initially writes "delayed union" that we can't explain the Medicare policy to him so he can change it to "non-union".

I am not talking about changing or altering the office notes, here. I've never played that game. However, it seems like a physician can go back and change it. Or is that illegal for him to do?

Delayed union and non-union over 90 days are virtually the same. I wish Medicare would accept the terminology "delayed union" if the date of injury was over 90 days ago. Very frustrating.

A delayed union shows some progression of healing where a nonunion does not. The Drs know the difference. Exogen is only indicated in bones that show NO progression of healing after 90 days. 98 percent of bones heal within 6 months; stim or no stim. Weight bearing produces stimulation.

I call total BS on the 2nd to last post. Anybody forging a doc's name is a total idiot. Maybe that occured a year or so ago when reps and competitors were doing stupid things. Times have changed it would put the company's Medicare license in jeopardy and rep risks feds going after him/her.

It still happens. And yes, managers and senior reps coach on how to do it. My manager tells us to make up co-morbidities in letters of medical necessity. If caught, it's jail time.

You mean to say that if a fx is over 90 days old and the Doc initially writes "delayed union" that we can't explain the Medicare policy to him so he can change it to "non-union".

I am not talking about changing or altering the office notes, here. I've never played that game. However, it seems like a physician can go back and change it. Or is that illegal for him to do?

Delayed union and non-union over 90 days are virtually the same. I wish Medicare would accept the terminology "delayed union" if the date of injury was over 90 days ago. Very frustrating.

You people are uneducated and/ or have not been trained properly. There is text book difference of "delayed union" vs " non-union". Exogen is indicated for bones which have not shown any signs of healing- non- union.

Delayed Union- fx shows some signs of healing but a complete union has been delayed.

Your product is actually over utilized. You cannot ask a Dr to change his diagnosis to suit your sales quota. You also cannot discuss fresh fractures in bones that have not been studied or FDA approved.

There is no doubt there are illeagel things going on when it comes to Exogen but I blame upper management and the stress they put on us to hit quota. In one conversation they say to not do these things but then that say to talk to your peers to see what they are doing. My peers say to type out the notes with correct wording and have dr sign or just forge their name. My own manager as said "do what ever I need to get it approved".

Forge a Signature???? On a federal document? Are You INSANE or just retarded. This behavior will have you wearing Orange !!! A flipping quota delivered by jerks is NOT worth Jail!! Nobody here will protect You! Stop. Now

Are we to sell Exogen to patients that may never pay for it through Medicare? What about having drs sign office notes that we re-write for them with the correct wording in order to have an order go through? My manager oks this as do other reps in my district so we hit our quota. Is this normal practice???

Enjoy the 8x8 cell you'll be living in

Why yes, yes it is? And while your at it, write me a script for about 5,000.00 Percadans.
You obviously can't be this stupid and work for a real orthopaedic company can you?

You mean to say that if a fx is over 90 days old and the Doc initially writes "delayed union" that we can't explain the Medicare policy to him so he can change it to "non-union".

I am not talking about changing or altering the office notes, here. I've never played that game. However, it seems like a physician can go back and change it. Or is that illegal for him to do?

Delayed union and non-union over 90 days are virtually the same. I wish Medicare would accept the terminology "delayed union" if the date of injury was over 90 days ago. Very frustrating.

Most of you are fitting patients with true " delayed unions". Delayed Unions are fx where there Are signs of healing but a complete union is delayed. So most of these patients really need more time to heal rather than an Exogen unit or surgery.

A true " non-union" is a fx that shows NO significant healing between the first and last X-ray.

So, when you have a dr change a note, more times than none, you are raising red flags to Medicare. If Medicare were to ever audit the charts and physical X-rays you guys would be in deep doo doo.

There is no doubt there are illeagel things going on when it comes to Exogen but I blame upper management and the stress they put on us to hit quota. In one conversation they say to not do these things but then that say to talk to your peers to see what they are doing. My peers say to type out the notes with correct wording and have dr sign or just forge their name. My own manager as said "do what ever I need to get it approved".

Would you rather please your DOS, upper management and Peers or would you rather have the Feds come knocking at your door and face potential Fines and an Ankle Bracelet or Prison.

Your choice. But Just know, nobody in management will Save You. Under the Bus you will go.