Exodus coming?

No one will follow fat dough boy, Adam Waldman. He thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and if you don't believe him just ask, he will be glad to tell you. The guy was an ass clown as a rbd, clearly just checking a box. His big claim was the he was a revlimid marketer? He should get together with the Rituxan marketer and tell each other stories of how they did not fuck up a great drug.

Totally agree with assessment of that guy. Couldn’t stand him and neither could customers. Dont agree no one will follow. Will be desperate and offer big money & bennies. Those that go just like him. All talk!

No one will follow fat dough boy, Adam Waldman. He thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and if you don't believe him just ask, he will be glad to tell you. The guy was an ass clown as a rbd, clearly just checking a box. His big claim was the he was a revlimid marketer? He should get together with the Rituxan marketer and tell each other stories of how they did not fuck up a great drug.
Can’t stand the man. Never sold anything in his life never carried the bag.

A mix of both really, those nearing retirement are milking out whats left of the pharma industry and trying to stay. How else they gonna pay their yachts off?
Do know a few of them looking to take advantage of the Celgene name and milk it for awhile until they’re found out. Unfortunately hurts the younger reps needing to work longer.