Executive Leadership Compensation & Layoff

Uuhhh…you must be drunk. You can't hire back someone from 2025…
Weirdo! No wonder this company is in shambles. Use some grey matter. BMS keeps these idiots and lays off the best. Let me explain as you have no thinking capacity. This gigantic layoffs after Celgene acquisition and horrible losses started in 2023 and will easily run into 2025. See the bird’s eye view. No one is asking to rehire from 2025 but to get back expert people who have lost, are losing and will lose their jobs. The 2025 people will not be hired now but after 2025. You think the company will recover or has already recovered. No. It will take a long time if at all. You must be one of those MAGA crazies.

Boerner has selected some really useless commercial leadership. Rather than go external and get some really good talent, he stuck with Lurch, Fat Ass Lynelle, & the talentless Hick. So more idiots trying to do a job that should be under one person. What a waste of money & yes Jet fuel.

McKinsey, the dumbest hire by BMS. No courage to kick out the losers who let go of this company and it’s people because they had no plans after LOEs, bad decisions and lack of products. McKinsey hires the best but really does not use their skills. They force their employees to focus only on one goal. Make money and more and more whichever way you want. Keep the C suite who had zero strategy to save jobs and the company because they are the golden goose. The strategy was for these losers to keep their positions and bonuses. They are still having foolish town halls and useless activities. When will they focus on work and stop blabbering?

McKinsey, the dumbest hire by BMS. No courage to kick out the losers who let go of this company and it’s people because they had no plans after LOEs, bad decisions and lack of products. McKinsey hires the best but really does not use their skills. They force their employees to focus only on one goal. Make money and more and more whichever way you want. Keep the C suite who had zero strategy to save jobs and the company because they are the golden goose. The strategy was for these losers to keep their positions and bonuses. They are still having foolish town halls and useless activities. When will they focus on work and stop blabbering?
We only use McKinsey because our leaders lack understanding and knowledge to make ANY decision for themselves. We have given McKinsey millions to run our company into the group.

Jet travel, whether via large commercial jet or small private jet, is a major source of carbon emissions, responsible for about 800 million tons of carbon dioxide annually or more than 2% of total global energy-related emissions. Private jets produce between 5 to 14 times more CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre than commercial flights.

Sick of these jet setters using patients as an excuse. They don’t care about anyone but themselves. Never seen any honest support for patients or employees who hardly make bonuses to survive more than a few months on peanuts. They let infighting happen so that horrible managers can drive many employees out without any compensation or self esteem. McKinsey is doing the dirty work for them.

PJs are for people that can’t afford to waste time because they are so valuable to a company. I would argue that the average BMS employee’s time is worth much more than these so-called leaders. We all know they are just McKinsey‘s puppets anyway. What a disgusting waste of resources!