Everyone who posts on here is a pussy

Paul get a better life. Stop posting here. You no longer work for LW. Your endless posts are fucking crazy. The only pussy here is you. We are so much better without crooks MF like you

Then why am I being brought up in posts? How exactly was I a crook again? Pussies hide, make accusations, but no proof of shit. And yeah, the company is doing much better right now....phenomenally well actually. U should be able to retire there. If you're going to tell me what to do, be sure u can make me do it.
I have a better life, but this is way too fun for me. U have to understand that. It's all laughable. So, come on...call me a crook again without any example.... Blah, blah, blah...

Paul, you're still a douche. And still a pizza delivery boy. I don't give a shit what you claim, you've spent a lot of time cussing, threatening and proving that you're a worthless, insignificant r*****. Yeah, pretty confident it was you that was the r***** on the RSD group.... go the fuck away!

And by the way; it's pretty easy to understand why you're still collecting unemployment. Might want to sell your Cadi...

blah, blah, blah...hiding like a pussy. I love that you think I collect unemployment. You should see if I even applied for it. I was hired within two hours of being fired. No need to sell the cadi, might even buy another one soon. Yep, I cussed and made threats. Again, all laughable to me as I control what the limits are that you can go to. Keep hiding. The reason you don't know where I work is so that douche bags like you don't come to me when you need a job. You'll need one soon enough.
Fact: no one has said anything about what crooked things I taught Tyeler.
Fact: no one has said how I was crooked...or crook as you illiterate r*****s put it.
Fact: no one has stepped forward, but you've all hidden behind "anonymous".

I think I'm doing okay so far on this thread. I make you hide. I love to have that control. So, a bunch of underperformers think I'm a douche...wow, my feelings are really hurt. This is fun for me. I demand that you hide, and you do it. As for being a pizza boy, that makes no sense. That was stupid actually. Are you still what you were when you were 13? You're probably no more skilled, but you most likely weren't working for LW at 13. You're probably still only able to sell the KOH secondary to lack of skill, but still a different job nonetheless. See, I have the time for this. Did all my push ups for the morning and I'm good to go! I am commanding you to hide again. Do my bidding, bitch! You'll listen...I fucking love this!

Actually, I'm getting bored with this. You guys have come up with nothing original. You say the same things over and over. Probably why you can't sell anything. Since none of you spare tire reps can physically make me go away, this is your next best option...I need cognitive stimulation. Try to provide it moving forward or I will have to find other ways to entertain myself.

Paul the guy posting is Lee. He always finishs his statements saying "And by the way;
This is fucking Lee. Don't waste your time replying to Lee. All he wants is get rid of Tyeler like he did with you.

Whoever you are Paul or Lee or the Easter Bunny

You are the most unprofessional person ever

So, somebody says you're a cheat, a liar or a criminal or even a crook

Who cares, it's one persons opinion and its called freedom of speech -- It doesn't mean its true

But to call people out, threaten them, and call them names when you don't know who they are is just moronic

I have a feeling your new job is not in sales management its probably selling used cars

Seriously Lee?? You are a coward hiding on this site. Please do something better for the company and the world. Paul is calling you out by the name you deserve. If you don't like it, don't read the posts.
All your relations Payor managers hate you. You don't teach them or help them get new contracts. You don't allow them to co-travel with us to meet with medical directors. Stop playing a CIA agent.

Then why am I being brought up in posts? How exactly was I a crook again? Pussies hide, make accusations, but no proof of shit. And yeah, the company is doing much better right now....phenomenally well actually. U should be able to retire there. If you're going to tell me what to do, be sure u can make me do it.
I have a better life, but this is way too fun for me. U have to understand that. It's all laughable. So, come on...call me a crook again without any example.... Blah, blah, blah...

You are a psycho pussy and your career is over!!!

Blah, blah, blah...same shit. I don't need to be professional at LW anymore. Did it, done. Funny thing is I don't know who any of you are, but it's easy to guarantee I had better numbers than any of you. My goal isn't to be professional, it isn't to win anyone over...I've never cared about that. My only goal at this point is to keep you r*****s hiding behind your keyboards at my behest and laugh when you tell me the company is better now that I'm gone. Really? Have you read the other posts aside from this one recently? Read them...who the fuck do you think is laughing? Me...always, me. You guys make me laugh harder. Remember, I only want to keep you hiding...that's it. Keep wishing I sell used cars, guys. Happy to compare income with any of you come years end...just let me know who you are ;)

I don't know who you are Paul. I'm a former LifeWatch employee from many years past. I'm sure whatever has happened to you was terrible. But seriously, you're doing yourself great damage to any possible future employers. If I ever considered hiring you and saw these posts, I would never move forward with your employment. It would be irresponsible of me to do that. I would be concerned I'd be hiring someone who can't control their temper and is oddly publicly proud to display that. I just call that foolish. And what's most tragic, is when you realize how wrong you were to have had this public tantrum, and I think you will, it's already too late to take it back. I certainly could be wrong and have no desire to call you any names or wish you any ill will. I don't know you at all to do that. But professionally speaking, you've made a terrible mistake here by behaving so inappropriately in a public forum, regardless of what may have happened to you. I wish you well. Seems like you may need it down the road. You know the old saying.........never burn a bridge.

I would never work for a company that did their research on a candidate with cafepharma, sorry. Its no worse than me not being any part of these boards, then suddenly called a crook. I guess you'd believe that too. This is a cowards site where anyone can say anything and hide. That's what you've got here. If u don't recognize that, then it is me who feels sorry for you.

Yet here you are reading and posting. Information, regardless of source, becomes public. Of course no one uses this site as a reference..........until someone is foolish enough to post their name. It's not brave, just foolish. Zero defense for the behavior. The bullies won.

Lee....Please do everyone a favor and retire. You have nothing to offer anymore. You don't have anything new for Payor relations, you have never designed any special projects. You just a delusional complex of being a CIA agent. Stop harassing Paul. We all know Paul was a great rep, funny, and a team player until he started the romance with Executives and changed to become the douche and unprofessional pussy he is now.