Everyone needs to take a chill pill!

Now that we're finally getting this ball rolling and will find out soon, it's funny to listen to some of my fellow reps piss and moan about how unfair this all is. It's also those same reps who complain about how they're not being paid enough or some other issues, all the while just collecting signatures and counting calls, but having little to zero impact on results. It's precisely this type of mediocre rep mentality that has contributed to the repeated need in the pharma industry to cut fat from the ranks--there is just way too much mediocrity in our ranks as well and I can only hope that this is the start of getting rid of our fat and letting the true performers continue to drive results.

Now that we're finally getting this ball rolling and will find out soon, it's funny to listen to some of my fellow reps piss and moan about how unfair this all is. It's also those same reps who complain about how they're not being paid enough or some other issues, all the while just collecting signatures and counting calls, but having little to zero impact on results. It's precisely this type of mediocre rep mentality that has contributed to the repeated need in the pharma industry to cut fat from the ranks--there is just way too much mediocrity in our ranks as well and I can only hope that this is the start of getting rid of our fat and letting the true performers continue to drive results.
Great post. Should I laminate it?
Results? How about your region being ranked at the bottom for your entire tenure here? Right?

Some truly entertaining crap.
The pitiful desperation, angst and smugness of the above posts can only be achieved in an anonymous setting with impending doom hanging over the entire company.
You wanna a prediction about the industry, then you're asking the wrong rep.
I'll give you a prediction. It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your career....

Now that we're finally getting this ball rolling and will find out soon, it's funny to listen to some of my fellow reps piss and moan about how unfair this all is. It's also those same reps who complain about how they're not being paid enough or some other issues, all the while just collecting signatures and counting calls, but having little to zero impact on results. It's precisely this type of mediocre rep mentality that has contributed to the repeated need in the pharma industry to cut fat from the ranks--there is just way too much mediocrity in our ranks as well and I can only hope that this is the start of getting rid of our fat and letting the true performers continue to drive results.

If this poster thinks that the 3rd party company gives two shits about their "true performance" keep dreaming... your performance was probably all MEDICAID, soooo long sucker!

Some truly entertaining crap.
The pitiful desperation, angst and smugness of the above posts can only be achieved in an anonymous setting with impending doom hanging over the entire company.
You wanna a prediction about the industry, then you're asking the wrong rep.
I'll give you a prediction. It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your career....

Groundhog Day aside, I think your prediction is spot on. This industry is collapsing, as will most others involved in healthcare with the impending doom of Obamakill. Ride it until they force you out kicking and screaming by all means. But I for one will have to think long and hard before I send a resume to another pharma company.