So what is the average salary that reps make in ths division?
what a joke, I thought Ethicon reps were paid very well, if I come on board that will set me back 5 years, thanks but no thanks, go hire some laid off Pfizer reps because this division smells like Big PharmaDon't waste your time in this division. No money to be made!
I don't think so!
The DM told me the salary and I worked directly with Radiologists! They do not converse well with poeple (generally speaking).
That's why they read films all day! They have minimal interaction with patients other than an occasional special procedure.
I worked in several hospitals in the midwest so don't tell me that I'm misinformed. I worked in the radiology business in addition to speaking with the DM.
I actually think I'm a bit more knowledgeable than the actual sales reps!