ESS/DSS layoffs


It is clear...there really are way too many of us at all levels in Diabetes. When are the layoffs happening? Lets face it...we have way too many people, not on track for market leadership and we know our time is limited. Thoughts?


Yep. The news has been terrible for Farxiga. I'm sure we will need less promotional activity as we prepare to move beyond diabetes with this drug. Lay off the CBD oils man and get out of the house for some fresh air!

with clinical info on the horizon, AZ will need Diabetes reps more than ever.

However...could Definitely see CV/CVHosp/Diabetes ESS SIGNIFICANTLY condense and merge, and essentially still call on endos, endo like and cardiologists.
Aside from all the snide comments that will probably follow, if I were one of the higher ups, this would be under serious consideration.
Secondly, prediction is that IF layoffs occur, contract will go first.
Thirdly, they will closely look at what has happened in sales since working virtually. Are sales the same? Up, down?
Fourthly. Decisions possibly will be made to possibly create a VSF....virtual sales force, expectations to do 3-4 lunches per week, 1-2 additional virtualHCP interactions per day. Would be great for single parents, stay at home moms or dads. Downside, current salaries for VSD would prob be slashed to half?

Anyone else see this as a possibility, or is this completely off the chart?

with clinical info on the horizon, AZ will need Diabetes reps more than ever.

However...could Definitely see CV/CVHosp/Diabetes ESS SIGNIFICANTLY condense and merge, and essentially still call on endos, endo like and cardiologists.
Aside from all the snide comments that will probably follow, if I were one of the higher ups, this would be under serious consideration.
Secondly, prediction is that IF layoffs occur, contract will go first.
Thirdly, they will closely look at what has happened in sales since working virtually. Are sales the same? Up, down?
Fourthly. Decisions possibly will be made to possibly create a VSF....virtual sales force, expectations to do 3-4 lunches per week, 1-2 additional virtualHCP interactions per day. Would be great for single parents, stay at home moms or dads. Downside, current salaries for VSD would prob be slashed to half?

Anyone else see this as a possibility, or is this completely off the chart?

They have been trying a digital sales force...very underwhelming. Nothing beats F2F.....nothing.

Times were definitely changing to less reps and definitely managers. COVID 19 just made it faster. There probably should be a rep that covers several territories.... offices are closed, will be closing more now. It will be a real cost savings to pharma companies also. It was good while it lasted and while we did bring value .... no more, that’s for sure!

Reality check: If you are doing 6 virtuals per day, you are the problem not the solution. 2- 3 max virtual lunches per week is more than most. 6 Virtual calls in and of itself in a week?...don't push it little buddy. Unless you have complete access in your territory, this isn't realistic. And you are setting us all up for unrealistic expectations in the future. This isn't the appropriate time to be "Mr AZ stud rep hero I do virtuals all day". Your family is more important right now. Go spend time with your kiddos, or spouse. Work,life balance. You'll never get this opportunity again where there are no hard expectations.

Disagree with your post. Today, I made 6 digital sales presentations with target list MDs. You need to keep a positive attitude and always provide VALUE.
Great job. We now realize that we can hire a person in India to do your job at 1/10th the cost. Keep up the good work while you have it.

Signed - Management

Reality check: If you are doing 6 virtuals per day, you are the problem not the solution. 2- 3 max virtual lunches per week is more than most. 6 Virtual calls in and of itself in a week?...don't push it little buddy. Unless you have complete access in your territory, this isn't realistic. And you are setting us all up for unrealistic expectations in the future. This isn't the appropriate time to be "Mr AZ stud rep hero I do virtuals all day". Your family is more important right now. Go spend time with your kiddos, or spouse. Work,life balance. You'll never get this opportunity again where there are no hard expectations.

time with the kiddos? I can’t stand my kids

Mailing a handwritten letter to each of your physicians expressing appreciation and gratitude will most likely go a long way in further establishing relationships. Want to take it a step further? Try sending the letter USPS Priority Mail. Who doesn't open a handwritten envelope or priority mail?

with clinical info on the horizon, AZ will need Diabetes reps more than ever.

However...could Definitely see CV/CVHosp/Diabetes ESS SIGNIFICANTLY condense and merge, and essentially still call on endos, endo like and cardiologists.
Aside from all the snide comments that will probably follow, if I were one of the higher ups, this would be under serious consideration.
Secondly, prediction is that IF layoffs occur, contract will go first.
Thirdly, they will closely look at what has happened in sales since working virtually. Are sales the same? Up, down?
Fourthly. Decisions possibly will be made to possibly create a VSF....virtual sales force, expectations to do 3-4 lunches per week, 1-2 additional virtualHCP interactions per day. Would be great for single parents, stay at home moms or dads. Downside, current salaries for VSD would prob be slashed to half?

Anyone else see this as a possibility, or is this completely off the chart?

way to many diabetes reps, marketing can’t get their act together. The sales force needs cut in half. More reps don’t mean more business. Frequency of good reps not frequency of total reps.

I disagree with that contact Reps going first. I actually think contract reps are cheaper and they would stick around longer. They have been doing the job cheaper all this time why would they leave and why would the left them go!! I think lay offs will happened to direct AZ employees and the contract reps stay and bring on even more with no severance to be paid!!

way to many diabetes reps, marketing can’t get their act together. The sales force needs cut in half. More reps don’t mean more business. Frequency of good reps not frequency of total reps.

Where were you in the 1990’s? This kind of clear thinking and logic would have shaped the pharma landscape to be best prepared for today’s problems. I have only empirical evidence here, but adding a second rep to a territory would not double sales. When you factor in the business the first rep would have gotten anyway, then add the cost of recruiting and hiring the second rep AND the cost of putting that rep in the field, you would be lucky to break even with the second rep. Pharma should have only added more reps WHEN business dictated, not in anticipation of more Rxs. Too many reps had their lives upended when a pharma company added more reps than business dictated.

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