Erick’s national call


Erick is fighting for his job. The reality is the downfall of Galderma can be fixed very easily if they change goal setting and comp. The problem at this company is the fact that the goals make zero sense and the comp plan incentivizes people to not sell when you can't hit these make believe numbers. All Erick needs to do is push a button to make this happen. Ive been here for 7 years and this company was amazing and turned to dung very quickly. A comp plan should incentivize sales reps to do their job and go sell and fight for every order. The problem is why would I fight for an order knowing I'm not going to get paid on that order and now I need to pull through all of that product before the account will order again. Just pay people from dollar one and give fair goals and things will get better fast. Until then I will be placing my big orders in October when I have a new unrealistic goal and I can do the same thing over again in q4. This quota and comp are insane and everyone knows it and its crazy they haven't changed this all year. Leadership is tone deaf. Galderma could be a Harvard business review on how to destroy a company by incentivizing reps not to sell.

I completely agree. This company has hit the self destruct button. I keep wondering why Galderma hasn't fixed this by now. I left my previous employer to come here thinking this place was a gem and a "destination". It seems like the destination is a one way ticket to the poorhouse. Low base and I've hit 2 out of 5 quarters since I've been here but that seems better than others. I know the east coast doesn't have the same potential as other regions but please make it worth while to get out of bed. Just heard that the revance reps are now getting paid from dollar one because their company understands the market and hit the fix button. I'm thinking of going back to Pharma to get my fat base and low bonus but its better than low base and no bonus.

Erick is exposed. His only play is the comp plan he brags about. Now the comp plan isn’t motivating because the number is too high. He does what he knows and puts contests in place to motivate. It isn’t working.

now the Eyelight launch is failing soon after a dismal contour launch. We need Drew back to save EB from his insecurities

Y'all this place is downright skanky wanky. My RSM said anyone who misses this qtr will be put on a pip. WTF is wrong with this company. These #'s are so darn irrational that it makes me question why I still work here. I literally aint making a dime here and I'm supposed to be motivated to work my little buns off till I drop dead. This place is just so arrogant thinking our brands are "premium" while raising prices this year as other companies are lowering theirs. Bless your little hearts for sticking around here but I can't take this place anymore as nobody is stepping up to change these silly quotas and downright nasty comp plan. Hitting 85% buys me a dress at best. If I'm gonna sell my soul I should at least be able to buy a car with my bonus or at least a mini vacation.

Galdema lacks any type of senior leadership that has an understanding of what goes on in the field. Lets get EB and KH in the field and give them a territory for a quarter and see how they do. In fact all directors and above should be given a territory and see if they can hit these insane #'s. On top of that lets give them zero Dysport samples and 3 samples of eyelight and have them launch a new product too and then be scolded every day for lack of sales. Leadership is inept and has no idea of how the sales process works and lack any understanding of how we get business. If they fail they need to be put on a pip. If you can't do the basic job of a rep, how can you lead?

Galdema lacks any type of senior leadership that has an understanding of what goes on in the field. Lets get EB and KH in the field and give them a territory for a quarter and see how they do. In fact all directors and above should be given a territory and see if they can hit these insane #'s. On top of that lets give them zero Dysport samples and 3 samples of eyelight and have them launch a new product too and then be scolded every day for lack of sales. Leadership is inept and has no idea of how the sales process works and lack any understanding of how we get business. If they fail they need to be put on a pip. If you can't do the basic job of a rep, how can you lead?
They were both reps, dipshit.

Oh boooo hoooo! It’s not the quota setting that’s too high. It’s your inability to sell! Revance is kicking your a$$ and stealing tons of customers from you. Without your samples, you can’t combat anything because you can’t sell without giving away your crap product for free. If you can’t beat um, join um! Come to a Revance, we’re getting paid big bucks aka what was once your bucks. Lol


Eating Your Lunch

Its very easy to sell on price when your crap is half the price of Dysport and Restylane. A monkey can sell on straight price alone. Try selling something twice as expensive with no samples and oh, by the way, we don't even get paid on the sales. Kinda does suck. Even weirder is Revance turnover is higher than Galdema because they are run by r*****s too. Maybe a merger in the making?? dumb and dumber.

What a horrible national call that was. If the purpose of the call was to infuriate and demoralize the entire sales force then mission accomplished. Now we are threatened with "consequences" if we don't hit our filler # and have September quotas. The takeaway from the call is that the field sales team sucks and its our fault for not being able to reach these insane and far from being anywhere realistic goals. If we miss the quarter we don't get the privilege of hearing about the new comp plan until January. Boo hoo. Why is Erick using that as leverage? All of these threats and lack of accountability in senior leadership is deplorable. Ultimately, all barking orders come from Fleming and now he's coming after the sales team. EQT knows they acquired a company that will most likely end in them losing money and paying too much for us in the beginning. Nobody cares anymore about people, culture, and building a long and sustainable business. Strap on your big boy pants because this place cares nothing about anything other than Flemming and the EQT folks trying for their life to get their $10 billion back that they spent on us. Nothing good will happen here over the next year. The promise of things are gonna get better is only true if you leave this place. Until senior leadership changes, nothing will change. I knew I shoulda never left my cushy Pharma job. Lesson learned.

What a horrible national call that was. If the purpose of the call was to infuriate and demoralize the entire sales force then mission accomplished. Now we are threatened with "consequences" if we don't hit our filler # and have September quotas. The takeaway from the call is that the field sales team sucks and its our fault for not being able to reach these insane and far from being anywhere realistic goals. If we miss the quarter we don't get the privilege of hearing about the new comp plan until January. Boo hoo. Why is Erick using that as leverage? All of these threats and lack of accountability in senior leadership is deplorable. Ultimately, all barking orders come from Fleming and now he's coming after the sales team. EQT knows they acquired a company that will most likely end in them losing money and paying too much for us in the beginning. Nobody cares anymore about people, culture, and building a long and sustainable business. Strap on your big boy pants because this place cares nothing about anything other than Flemming and the EQT folks trying for their life to get their $10 billion back that they spent on us. Nothing good will happen here over the next year. The promise of things are gonna get better is only true if you leave this place. Until senior leadership changes, nothing will change. I knew I shoulda never left my cushy Pharma job. Lesson learned.
The sales team is garbage

Galdema lacks any type of senior leadership that has an understanding of what goes on in the field. Lets get EB and KH in the field and give them a territory for a quarter and see how they do. In fact all directors and above should be given a territory and see if they can hit these insane #'s. On top of that lets give them zero Dysport samples and 3 samples of eyelight and have them launch a new product too and then be scolded every day for lack of sales. Leadership is inept and has no idea of how the sales process works and lack any understanding of how we get business. If they fail they need to be put on a pip. If you can't do the basic job of a rep, how can you lead?

Heath was in the field as an Rx rep first and aesthetic rep. deal making was how she hit her number.

What a horrible national call that was. If the purpose of the call was to infuriate and demoralize the entire sales force then mission accomplished. Now we are threatened with "consequences" if we don't hit our filler # and have September quotas. The takeaway from the call is that the field sales team sucks and its our fault for not being able to reach these insane and far from being anywhere realistic goals. If we miss the quarter we don't get the privilege of hearing about the new comp plan until January. Boo hoo. Why is Erick using that as leverage? All of these threats and lack of accountability in senior leadership is deplorable. Ultimately, all barking orders come from Fleming and now he's coming after the sales team. EQT knows they acquired a company that will most likely end in them losing money and paying too much for us in the beginning. Nobody cares anymore about people, culture, and building a long and sustainable business. Strap on your big boy pants because this place cares nothing about anything other than Flemming and the EQT folks trying for their life to get their $10 billion back that they spent on us. Nothing good will happen here over the next year. The promise of things are gonna get better is only true if you leave this place. Until senior leadership changes, nothing will change. I knew I shoulda never left my cushy Pharma job. Lesson learned.

What a horrible national call that was. If the purpose of the call was to infuriate and demoralize the entire sales force then mission accomplished. Now we are threatened with "consequences" if we don't hit our filler # and have September quotas. The takeaway from the call is that the field sales team sucks and its our fault for not being able to reach these insane and far from being anywhere realistic goals. If we miss the quarter we don't get the privilege of hearing about the new comp plan until January. Boo hoo. Why is Erick using that as leverage? All of these threats and lack of accountability in senior leadership is deplorable. Ultimately, all barking orders come from Fleming and now he's coming after the sales team. EQT knows they acquired a company that will most likely end in them losing money and paying too much for us in the beginning. Nobody cares anymore about people, culture, and building a long and sustainable business. Strap on your big boy pants because this place cares nothing about anything other than Flemming and the EQT folks trying for their life to get their $10 billion back that they spent on us. Nothing good will happen here over the next year. The promise of things are gonna get better is only true if you leave this place. Until senior leadership changes, nothing will change. I knew I shoulda never left my cushy Pharma job. Lesson learned.

The quota is high because EB uses "veeva insights" to determine how much competitive business is in each territory.