
Yea right 17 year old kid on cafe pharma. I could see maybe a face book post but come on. Marketing guys or home office we know you guys are hard up for some good news in particular on this site. Epiduo is a good product but lets get real for once.

Give credit to to the Marketing guys for trying. But it also goes to show there is 0 integrity in this place and the you really cannot trust anything coming from that home office crowd no matter what their role is.

Don't worry about the patent. The continuing cuts will continue well before the current patents run out. Case in point Clobex is still on patent until December yet a third of the work force was let go in the field and home office last December. the Managed care companies no longer want to pay for products that they deem to be branded generics. I have double and triple step edits in my territory before they can get Epiduo anyway.

For the 17 year old kid who is on this website.Tell your mom to have the doctor switch to the generic it is made in the same plant as the brand and will work the same along with a generic BPO wash and lot less out of pocket. it is the same stuff. I am so tired of trying to move this stuff with out coverage. Also, the integrity of our leadership when that is going on is very questionable. Code of ethics my eye.

To current Galderma employees - Get out while you still can the writing on the wall has been there for a long time and the fun and great culture is long gone too. The former employees who left are now getting established at other companies - network with them and move on to greener pastures. This place is dieing. I will be out of here before the end of the first quarter.

Don't worry about the patent. The continuing cuts will continue well before the current patents run out. Case in point Clobex is still on patent until December yet a third of the work force was let go in the field and home office last December. the Managed care companies no longer want to pay for products that they deem to be branded generics. I have double and triple step edits in my territory before they can get Epiduo anyway.

For the 17 year old kid who is on this website.Tell your mom to have the doctor switch to the generic it is made in the same plant as the brand and will work the same along with a generic BPO wash and lot less out of pocket. it is the same stuff. I am so tired of trying to move this stuff with out coverage. Also, the integrity of our leadership when that is going on is very questionable. Code of ethics my eye.

To current Galderma employees - Get out while you still can the writing on the wall has been there for a long time and the fun and great culture is long gone too. The former employees who left are now getting established at other companies - network with them and move on to greener pastures. This place is dieing. I will be out of here before the end of the first quarter.

Valeant is hiring! Launching 3 drugs this year!

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