Epic Map Fail! ZS is the worst


This was by far the worst. We have reps that actually had territories flipped and now have to switch back. What was even more pathetic was HQ actually wanted to get approval from ZS. Wtf?!
I guess someone found enough competence to say fuck off.
And if you look at fuse, all the openings that are posted. I don’t get it. Did we really cut? What was the goal of all this?

This was by far the worst. We have reps that actually had territories flipped and now have to switch back. What was even more pathetic was HQ actually wanted to get approval from ZS. Wtf?!
I guess someone found enough competence to say fuck off.
And if you look at fuse, all the openings that are posted. I don’t get it. Did we really cut? What was the goal of all this?
The goal was to disorient and confuse you as much as possible. The more turmoil we create, the more you listen to what we say and the less of a liability you are to the company.

The goal was to disorient and confuse you as much as possible. The more turmoil we create, the more you listen to what we say and the less of a liability you are to the company.

This is a completely inane response.

You couldn’t come up with a more plausible answer than this? It is nobody’s goal to disorient and confuse you. Maybe it’s a first attempt to do something never done before in our industry and ZS couldn’t just dust off old maps they sell to all other companies and had to do invest some actual brain power into designing geographies. Maybe this is a more reasonable response.

Even if they are all idiots at ZS and leaders who buy into them, it doesn’t excuse the idiots who come in here and post stupid stuff. You’re all the same: idiots.

agree this was the worst most drawn out layoff with secret ratings that tried to act as a cover for the HR secret rating of getting ride of anyone approaching 90-combo rating before they had to pay up

What part of having ZS company that doesn't know our business make maps that don't makes sense only to have senior managers want small groups (IAT - the new eco systems) to make more local decisions for the business. insane

Regarding ZS and map configuration- in my former company (pre-pfizer) the company would determine workload/product assigned configuration and initial territory alignment, then regional managers would come in to do final tweaks and reconfigurations based upon their knowledge. DMs could do some minor tweaking, but that may take time, and a lot of campaigning.

ZS were just the computer configurators- they gave each company what they wanted. I think the initials stand for Zero Sympathy, but not sure.

I work for another company in inflammation, but lurk here to check on old colleagues. Feel sorry for them.

Anyway, in February this past year, my current company had a realignment. I lost all my customers from the past 6 years and I now drive 1.5 hours to get to my first customers. As soon as they removed me from my customers, they posted a job for my "vacancy". ZS did the maps.

Since then, we have lost most of the business there. The new rep is ranked last.

I have my new territory up and running, but the fact is that I am seldom there before 10am and I always leave by 3pm.

ZS sucks. So does my current company.

This is the 6th time I’ve been on the receiving end of ZS (3rd party restructuring company) catastrophic ineptitude. Why do companies keep hiring them?
6 times? Maybe a better question you should ask yourself s why you remain in a job where your career is impacted by recommendations by ZS consultants, who, by the way, is one of the worlds largest firms of its type.

Description from Wiki
ZS operates as a strategic, long-term advisor to its clients, basing its offerings on clients’ needs and challenges across the following industries:
  • Pharmaceuticals and Biotech
  • Medical Technology
  • Health Plans
  • Travel and Hospitality
  • Industrials and Business Services
  • High-Tech and Telecommunications
  • Financial Services
  • Private Equity

The alignment maps in all divisions are really Pfucked Up.

This is not Bold Move 3.3

It's Bowl Movement Magnitude 10.0

Total waste of time and resources. We will be restructured in 3 to 4 years and the same dumb leaders will be making the same dumb decisions.

This company is doomed.

Try rescructuring over and over literally each year in one of our divisions. The fail fast mantra. When companies don't value human capital, relationships, or internal alignments you pay ZS so much it erodes the company culture for years when this happens.

3.3 is the worse thing for employee moral I have ever seen. They used the same McKinsey consultants to run the restructure just like every pharma company then let ZS make up maps that is the absolute worst. Not one person at Pfizer thinks this is a good idea.

My guess someone is getting a kick back at Pfizer from Mckinsey to let them run the show completely.
But who could be that person?

Pfizer’s mix of science and grit alters the course of its COVID-19 response | McKinsey

Which part of hiring candidates to stick them in cubicles making 50K in Tampa Florida is bold?? Everything is a big PR spin. A 25 year old kid calling an office on the telephone is not bold or innovative. Nor is having a medical affairs person to do a zoom call when the "kid" doesn't know the answer. None of this is bold or innovative but senior leadership has literally botched culture and makes people shake their head on daily basis with every cringe worthy email or yammer update.

This is the 6th time I’ve been on the receiving end of ZS (3rd party restructuring company) catastrophic ineptitude. Why do companies keep hiring them?
If it wasnt for consultants like ZS, most of us would not even be here. They were the ones that pushed massive field forces on the industry at a time when that WAS. a bold move. 2 clusters of reps (3 divisions each cluster) "selling" Viagra...in every office? Before I started I heard of orthopods offices where 6 Pfizer reps and 2 pharmacia reps called on them for Celebrex. That is craziness---but that thinking got alot of us employed later on.

If it wasnt for consultants like ZS, most of us would not even be here. They were the ones that pushed massive field forces on the industry at a time when that WAS. a bold move. 2 clusters of reps (3 divisions each cluster) "selling" Viagra...in every office? Before I started I heard of orthopods offices where 6 Pfizer reps and 2 pharmacia reps called on them for Celebrex. That is craziness---but that thinking got alot of us employed later on.
They brought ZS in starting in 2002 to right size the Pharmacia integration. Added 2 divisions out of the 6 they had in primary care, kept the specialty and hospital ppl. They knew it would be cut cut cut after that, as we had 11 different divisions (6 cluster A, 5 Cluster X) calling on each doctor starting in mid 2003. It's been happening ever since. Losing Zoloft, Aricept, Zyrtec, Zith and Bextra all before 2007 should have cleared the place out a lot more than it did. The 2009 cut after torcetrapip failed should have put it where it is right now. We got an extra decade from ZS.