Epbu merck

Coin flip, but what I read and hear, we are going to be safe for at least half of 2014 . Just wish there would be some sort of communication to all this madness.

I think it could go either way. It would be nice if they kept us in the loop so we knew what was going on! Hopefully, we will here more next week.

I believe Merck really does see us as a valueable asset..at least for right now...of course things could change at the drop of a hat..but lets all think positively and work hard to proove ourselves once again

Can someone with credible information let us know what is going on? Are we safe through 2014?
Merck reps said they have and had no idea to all this mess

If you ever find yourself asking this question at ANY time in your life you have f'ed up my friend.

Safe? Unfulfilling fake job scared to leave or take a chance? If you are what happens after 2014?

I believe Merck really does see us as a valueable asset..at least for right now...of course things could change at the drop of a hat..but lets all think positively and work hard to proove ourselves once again

Don't forget to be in the proper lotus position to effectively channel those positive thoughts into positive energy blazing into the psyches of the powers-that-be at PSS & Merck