Epbu merck

Merck primary care will be gone. Only DF reps will be left. The responsibilities of PC will be taken up by Inventiv (full time) and pss (part time). Watch out for anther announcement 10/7

Who cares about the Merck reps, what is going to happen to the EPBU reps?

Nothing. EPBU will flourish and be entrusted with more responsibilities. While it's good, many hope that with the added workload will also come the proper amount of compensation. There is talk of EPBU reps doing lunches and dinner programs with the Merck df reps in the near future.

Nothing. EPBU will flourish and be entrusted with more responsibilities. While it's good, many hope that with the added workload will also come the proper amount of compensation. There is talk of EPBU reps doing lunches and dinner programs with the Merck df reps in the near future.

This is such B.S.! We are a flex force. It's a big stretch to say they would have us doing dinner programs. Why would the df reps need us to do lunches with and dinners with them? This makes no sense. Time to polish the resume.

This is such B.S.! We are a flex force. It's a big stretch to say they would have us doing dinner programs. Why would the df reps need us to do lunches with and dinners with them? This makes no sense. Time to polish the resume.

Is it so hard to imagine being directed to do 4 hours in the field and the other 4 hours at the dinner program/lunch? Is it so hard for you to comprehend collaborating with the respiratory spec rep in inviting and following up on hcps to a program of a product/disease state that both of you are vested in? You're a narrow-minded nut NOT to be able to understand these things.

Yes it is very hard to imagine your concept. You obviously aren't involved with this contract and have not worked flex time in the past. I can imagine that they COULD have us do lunches in the future. Dinner programs are a stretch for this sales force. We choose the hours we want to work. Flex time, get it?? How would they have a flex force coordinating dinner programs when our schedules are constantly changing, etc. Most of us have little kids, remember? Most of the reps they hire are Moms that want to be home with their babies. Most of the management on this contract get that. I think you are the one that is the nut.

Yes it is very hard to imagine your concept. You obviously aren't involved with this contract and have not worked flex time in the past. I can imagine that they COULD have us do lunches in the future. Dinner programs are a stretch for this sales force. We choose the hours we want to work. Flex time, get it?? How would they have a flex force coordinating dinner programs when our schedules are constantly changing, etc. Most of us have little kids, remember? Most of the reps they hire are Moms that want to be home with their babies. Most of the management on this contract get that. I think you are the one that is the nut.

Both of you PMSing idiots need to shut the fuck up.

If we were doing lunches or dinner programs we would have done them long ago. I've been on this contract (going on 4 years) and we were always told that we would never be doing lunches or dinner programs.

The above poster is clearly a disturbed individual who does not get enough attention. He is obviously lacking in many areas. Probably has small feet, small hands....you get the idea! He obviously is a whimp!!! He hides behind the computer and hurls immature insults. Probably some disgruntled ex-employee that was fired. He will probably come back with some stupid insult using inappropriate words. Lets just ignore him!!!!

Now back to the topic. What do you all think is going to happen to this contract with the recent news about Merck?

The above poster is clearly a disturbed individual who does not get enough attention. He is obviously lacking in many areas. Probably has small feet, small hands....you get the idea! He obviously is a whimp!!! He hides behind the computer and hurls immature insults. Probably some disgruntled ex-employee that was fired. He will probably come back with some stupid insult using inappropriate words. Lets just ignore him!!!!

Now back to the topic. What do you all think is going to happen to this contract with the recent news about Merck?

Coin flip, but what I read and hear, we are going to be safe for at least half of 2014 . Just wish there would be some sort of communication to all this madness.

The above poster is clearly a disturbed individual who does not get enough attention. He is obviously lacking in many areas. Probably has small feet, small hands....you get the idea! He obviously is a whimp!!! He hides behind the computer and hurls immature insults. Probably some disgruntled ex-employee that was fired. He will probably come back with some stupid insult using inappropriate words. Lets just ignore him!!!!

Now back to the topic. What do you all think is going to happen to this contract with the recent news about Merck?

What is going to happen to the contract? My guess is that it will proceed like a usual Saturday night for you fat girl. You'll end up eating out the butthole of a 300 pound black guy and then ask for more! LOL