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Entresto 1 billion

and they pay to send all the dumb contract reps to training and don't even interview 'trained talent' for open spots. There is a disconnect.

The disconnect is in your post. You really must be as dumb as your post. Those contract reps have already worked and been trained be either other manaufactures or on other contracts. They are literally trained talent.

and they pay to send all the dumb contract reps to training and don't even interview 'trained talent' for open spots. There is a disconnect.

Keep sitting up there on your high horse...it's a long way down...and if your thinking continues this way, your fall will be very soon. The "dumb contract reps" probably have more experience than you do. I know my PDI rep has more experience than I do, knows every doctor in the territory, but just found himself in an unfortunate layoff.

Give it some time, you'll be there one day. Kharma is a true bitch.

i always knew with the right leadership Entresto could become a billion dollar product. We had a rough launch and reps that couldn’t deliver what we needed. Now with the right leadership reps are motivated and the results are great!

I still think we could use about a 20% reduction in the sales force but we are moving in the right direction! I’m pumped for 2019 and further growing our brand while saving patient lives.

Not only that, but I take it. It's awesome!

too bad entresto is a scam
the LIFE clinical trial clearly shows that people lived longer and stayed out of the hospital longer using just plain generic valsartan vs expensive patented entresto (suckubitril + valsartan)