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Entresto 1 billion


i always knew with the right leadership Entresto could become a billion dollar product. We had a rough launch and reps that couldn’t deliver what we needed. Now with the right leadership reps are motivated and the results are great!

I still think we could use about a 20% reduction in the sales force but we are moving in the right direction! I’m pumped for 2019 and further growing our brand while saving patient lives.


I wouldn’t bring the onc drugs/franchise into this conversation. That business unit has most likely been keeping your bloated one and others financially afloat for multiple years now. You’re welcome:)

i always knew with the right leadership Entresto could become a billion dollar product. We had a rough launch and reps that couldn’t deliver what we needed. Now with the right leadership reps are motivated and the results are great!

I still think we could use about a 20% reduction in the sales force but we are moving in the right direction! I’m pumped for 2019 and further growing our brand while saving patient lives.

1.028 Billion in 2018, barely making the title and it only took several years to do....not much to be proud about here.... Movin' on......

i always knew with the right leadership Entresto could become a billion dollar product. We had a rough launch and reps that couldn’t deliver what we needed. Now with the right leadership reps are motivated and the results are great!

I still think we could use about a 20% reduction in the sales force but we are moving in the right direction! I’m pumped for 2019 and further growing our brand while saving patient lives.

Doubling sales was very impressive- and as much as I hate to give credit the leadership team really did turn this shit show around. Goes to show that with the proper guidance a sales team will respond.

i always knew with the right leadership Entresto could become a billion dollar product. We had a rough launch and reps that couldn’t deliver what we needed. Now with the right leadership reps are motivated and the results are great!

I still think we could use about a 20% reduction in the sales force but we are moving in the right direction! I’m pumped for 2019 and further growing our brand while saving patient lives.

You must be a serious newbie to the industry, and especially to the heart failure world. Man, you have a lot to learn. Entresto, just like other blockbuster HF drugs take time, regardless of the salesforce.. Our leadership is horrible and has been from the start. We've lost, arguably some of the best reps due to shitty leadership. That is a fact. Like you, I am here because I actually believe in the drug, NOT the "leaders". But make no mistake, time is what we all needed. But, as we witnessed during our time in Denver, we have far too many people taking credit for shit they had limited influence on making happen

You must be a serious newbie to the industry, and especially to the heart failure world. Man, you have a lot to learn. Entresto, just like other blockbuster HF drugs take time, regardless of the salesforce.. Our leadership is horrible and has been from the start. We've lost, arguably some of the best reps due to shitty leadership. That is a fact. Like you, I am here because I actually believe in the drug, NOT the "leaders". But make no mistake, time is what we all needed. But, as we witnessed during our time in Denver, we have far too many people taking credit for shit they had limited influence on making happen
Bullseye. Preach!

You must be a serious newbie to the industry, and especially to the heart failure world. Man, you have a lot to learn. Entresto, just like other blockbuster HF drugs take time, regardless of the salesforce.. Our leadership is horrible and has been from the start. We've lost, arguably some of the best reps due to shitty leadership. That is a fact. Like you, I am here because I actually believe in the drug, NOT the "leaders". But make no mistake, time is what we all needed. But, as we witnessed during our time in Denver, we have far too many people taking credit for shit they had limited influence on making happen

Holy shit! So true! Many great reps got the shaft while others happened to be in the right territory at the right time.

You must be a serious newbie to the industry, and especially to the heart failure world. Man, you have a lot to learn. Entresto, just like other blockbuster HF drugs take time, regardless of the salesforce.. Our leadership is horrible and has been from the start. We've lost, arguably some of the best reps due to shitty leadership. That is a fact. Like you, I am here because I actually believe in the drug, NOT the "leaders". But make no mistake, time is what we all needed. But, as we witnessed during our time in Denver, we have far too many people taking credit for shit they had limited influence on making happen

This is the novartis way. All of our side bar conversations consisted of laughing at the nonsense presented by the stooges on stage and the reps who had their heads so far up the asses of others they lost any independent thought. it is tough to watch but part of the game we play. I choose to be here so I'll enjoy a laugh or two at the expense of others

This is the novartis way. All of our side bar conversations consisted of laughing at the nonsense presented by the stooges on stage and the reps who had their heads so far up the asses of others they lost any independent thought. it is tough to watch but part of the game we play. I choose to be here so I'll enjoy a laugh or two at the expense of others

I wonder if management and reps knows how slimy we all feel watching their fake antics???

You must be a serious newbie to the industry, and especially to the heart failure world. Man, you have a lot to learn. Entresto, just like other blockbuster HF drugs take time, regardless of the salesforce.. Our leadership is horrible and has been from the start. We've lost, arguably some of the best reps due to shitty leadership. That is a fact. Like you, I am here because I actually believe in the drug, NOT the "leaders". But make no mistake, time is what we all needed. But, as we witnessed during our time in Denver, we have far too many people taking credit for shit they had limited influence on making happen
Preach it. Truth brother. And more of the BEST will continue to leave.