Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
- Drug Dumper   May 14, 2011 at 07:00: PM
Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
and believe it or not to get licensed in catastrophic insurance adjusting.
My brother did this and when the hurricanes hit in Florida a few years ago he made over $80K in 4 months. One of my very good friends here in town does it too. He bought a small camper and takes it to the disaster areas. He just hoooks up at a campground or whatever/wherever the others have set up and goes to work. Once you get in with an insurance company (like State Farm, Nationwide, etc.) they'll call you. The friend where I live made over $100K from Katrina in 6 mo. It's quite a challenge though. You've got people telling YOU what their property was worth, etc. -- and since you work for the insurance company, your job is to low ball.