Enough is enough


How does Abbvie allow someone to be on continuous medical leaves with bogus illnesses. Rep in my area keeps going on leaves. Yet we all know she’s faking it. Customers have seen her at the mall. She goes on vacations while on these leaves, etc. Come on Abbvie. How demoralizing is this to others. At what point does the company not look into this.

How does Abbvie allow someone to be on continuous medical leaves with bogus illnesses. Rep in my area keeps going on leaves. Yet we all know she’s faking it. Customers have seen her at the mall. She goes on vacations while on these leaves, etc. Come on Abbvie. How demoralizing is this to others. At what point does the company not look into this.

Worry about yourself and get out of other peoples business.

How does Abbvie allow someone to be on continuous medical leaves with bogus illnesses. Rep in my area keeps going on leaves. Yet we all know she’s faking it. Customers have seen her at the mall. She goes on vacations while on these leaves, etc. Come on Abbvie. How demoralizing is this to others. At what point does the company not look into this.

How is it your business? Stay in your own lane. It’s like not counting other peoples money. Don’t assume you know what’s going on in someone’s life - what because they went to the mall?

It is my business! We work as a pod you idiot
Slackers pop out of the woodwork to defend this kind of behavior because they probably do the same. The best you can do is bring it up to your manager in a passive, non-confrontational way and gauge their response. Just put the issue on their radar and see if anything happens. Do they actually have an illness? Are they skipping work because they can? Let your boss figure out the answers to these questions.

Slackers pop out of the woodwork to defend this kind of behavior because they probably do the same. The best you can do is bring it up to your manager in a passive, non-confrontational way and gauge their response. Just put the issue on their radar and see if anything happens. Do they actually have an illness? Are they skipping work because they can? Let your boss figure out the answers to these questions.

You're a moron. A DM trying to interfere with a rep's MEDICAL leave of absence is a law suit waiting to happen.

To the complainer OP: Just because someone's running an errand and not on their deathbed, doesn't mean they're healthy. Mental health is also a huge contributing reason people take leave, so maybe have some empathy

How does Abbvie allow someone to be on continuous medical leaves with bogus illnesses. Rep in my area keeps going on leaves. Yet we all know she’s faking it. Customers have seen her at the mall. She goes on vacations while on these leaves, etc. Come on Abbvie. How demoralizing is this to others. At what point does the company not look into this.

"Customers have seen her at the mall"? So you're admittedly gossiping about your partner (who's most likely going through a personal hardship), with your shared offices.

1) No wonder she's out; I wouldn't want to work with someone like you either. Gossiping back-stabber.
2) Sharing with your offices that you're unsupportive and negative only looks bad on you

Slackers pop out of the woodwork to defend this kind of behavior because they probably do the same. The best you can do is bring it up to your manager in a passive, non-confrontational way and gauge their response. Just put the issue on their radar and see if anything happens. Do they actually have an illness? Are they skipping work because they can? Let your boss figure out the answers to these questions.

Aggro millennial male? tell me I’m wrong. You are a complete dope if you think a manger would say one word about someone’s medical leave. They aren’t even told what it’s for unless the employee personally shares the reason with the manager. They aren’t allowed to call the employee while on leave, for any reason. there was an employee whose teammates were complaining about his leave nonstop. Guess what? He had cancer. Did that mean he could never leave his house? No. It did mean he was unable to work a full time job.

Grow up dude and have some empathy.

How does Abbvie allow someone to be on continuous medical leaves with bogus illnesses. Rep in my area keeps going on leaves. Yet we all know she’s faking it. Customers have seen her at the mall. She goes on vacations while on these leaves, etc. Come on Abbvie. How demoralizing is this to others. At what point does the company not look into this.

I agree with OP. “Continuous” medical leave is working the system. There has to be a point where it’s not ok as that person cannot handle the job. Many reps have been known to go on medical leave to avoid a PIP, being fired, etc. It’s one thing if the rep on leave works their own territory but if it’s in a group or pod, that directly impacts others as well as sales. And inferring that a doctor brought up they saw her at the mall is assuming that it was solicited by the teammate. The person who saw the rep on leave could have brought it up in casual conversation, so assuming the working rep is gossiping is just incorrect.

The person on leave is milking the system. She doesn’t have cancer or any terminal illness. She is out on bs stuff which she has clearly told others why she is out. She cannot work but she can take multiple vacations while being paid for her leave. She works out at the gym while on the leave, etc. And yes it’s other peoples business, when they have a partner. Also, she avoids being put in a pip by going on these leaves. Some people are legitimately ill but this individual is just taking advantage.

The person on leave is milking the system. She doesn’t have cancer or any terminal illness. She is out on bs stuff which she has clearly told others why she is out. She cannot work but she can take multiple vacations while being paid for her leave. She works out at the gym while on the leave, etc. And yes it’s other peoples business, when they have a partner. Also, she avoids being put in a pip by going on these leaves. Some people are legitimately ill but this individual is just taking advantage.
reps are children

The person on leave is milking the system. She doesn’t have cancer or any terminal illness. She is out on bs stuff which she has clearly told others why she is out. She cannot work but she can take multiple vacations while being paid for her leave. She works out at the gym while on the leave, etc. And yes it’s other peoples business, when they have a partner. Also, she avoids being put in a pip by going on these leaves. Some people are legitimately ill but this individual is just taking advantage.

They may be, but the point is, you LITERALLY have no clue if that’s true or not (and this individual doesn’t trust you enough to confide in you) so get a life and worry about yourself