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Enjoy Your Last Month Folks


Not a chance folks! There is no way the company would purchase URL in April just to fold up shop in June! Makes no sense and the above poster is just a angry layed off rep from january who can't find a job and wants to cause trouble.

What is an RIF bomb? Are you kidding? TPUSA is about to evaporate? I don't think so. Believe it or not, Dexilant brings in a half Billion per year, Colcrys (which I'm about to train on) brings in a half Billion per year, Uloric brings in 300 million, and Amitiza chips in whille keeping us employed. Aloglipin is already being sold in other countries so it is adding revenue to the company. That revenue is being used to finish the studies the FDA wants for approval. Why would a doc write Alo? Because it just MIGHT be THE FIRST DIABETES MEDICATION WITH CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES! Not a guarantee but maybe. Either way it will have a TON of safety data at launch. The next couple of years will be tough but TPUSA will survive.


Lay of the kool-aid. I don't see how the future can bring additional "Shock and Awe" from people. We all know deep down the company, well TPNA accounts for such a small percentage of the overall "Profits" for Takeda. TPNA "Used" to bring more to the table, but come August.... The Golden Egg is gone.

Alo, even if somehow TPNA submits the proper documentation the FDA is asking for, will not even be on the market until early 2014... It has become a trend with this doomed drug, very similar to Novartis Galvus, of course minus the flesh eating virus. I am also trying to go with the flow and tell myself that we will be fine.... don't worry, as according to Robin, "The Future is BRIGHT".

Is it just me, or does everyone else check email when you wake up, hoping not to see a 4 am email from Japan saying due to the recent FDA, blah blah blah. I would like to think "Takeda" would do the right thing, and have no more surprises.... I do agree this post was made by someone pissed off either let go in the summer of 2010, or from this January. Moral is at an all-time low in my region, no one is talking, no emails, no voice mails, it is pretty much everyone for themselves. It is sad when you have to log onto a site like this to actually find out information about your company. I know not everything is correct, but you have to admit, some people who post on here really know what they are talking about.


Lay of the kool-aid. I don't see how the future can bring additional "Shock and Awe" from people. We all know deep down the company, well TPNA accounts for such a small percentage of the overall "Profits" for Takeda. TPNA "Used" to bring more to the table, but come August.... The Golden Egg is gone.

Alo, even if somehow TPNA submits the proper documentation the FDA is asking for, will not even be on the market until early 2014... It has become a trend with this doomed drug, very similar to Novartis Galvus, of course minus the flesh eating virus. I am also trying to go with the flow and tell myself that we will be fine.... don't worry, as according to Robin, "The Future is BRIGHT".

Is it just me, or does everyone else check email when you wake up, hoping not to see a 4 am email from Japan saying due to the recent FDA, blah blah blah. I would like to think "Takeda" would do the right thing, and have no more surprises.... I do agree this post was made by someone pissed off either let go in the summer of 2010, or from this January. Moral is at an all-time low in my region, no one is talking, no emails, no voice mails, it is pretty much everyone for themselves. It is sad when you have to log onto a site like this to actually find out information about your company. I know not everything is correct, but you have to admit, some people who post on here really know what they are talking about.

I agree with a lot of the points you make. I too don't think there will be a 100% layoff, but I do believe there will be a sizable layoff either just before or shortly after Actos goes generic. There has to be. If not, all I can think is Takeda has more money than they know what to do with. Don't get me wrong. I love being the recepient of such fantastic "good will" from Takeda. I can't believe how much they pay us compared to other primary care sales forces. As a manager, I can't believe how huge my LTIP's have been and it is almost unheard of to get that big additional amount added to my 401K once a year. To make it even better, I get an additional 7% added on to that because I was TAP legacy and they give us Tap legacys' that additional to "buy us out" of the Abbott pension. The money this company throws around is unheard of in this industry now days. I feel fortunate to be the recepient of such extravagant spending. It does suck that morale is at an all time low and not many are working very hard. Perhaps they should all buck up and realize how good we have it here from a compensation stand point.

Japan must have a ton of money to keep us all on and pay us what they do. No one can complain about that. No One!!!

What is an RIF bomb? Are you kidding? TPUSA is about to evaporate? I don't think so. Believe it or not, Dexilant brings in a half Billion per year, Colcrys (which I'm about to train on) brings in a half Billion per year, Uloric brings in 300 million, and Amitiza chips in whille keeping us employed. Aloglipin is already being sold in other countries so it is adding revenue to the company. That revenue is being used to finish the studies the FDA wants for approval. Why would a doc write Alo? Because it just MIGHT be THE FIRST DIABETES MEDICATION WITH CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES! Not a guarantee but maybe. Either way it will have a TON of safety data at launch. The next couple of years will be tough but TPUSA will survive.

You need to put the crack pipe down.

I agree with a lot of the points you make. I too don't think there will be a 100% layoff, but I do believe there will be a sizable layoff either just before or shortly after Actos goes generic. There has to be. If not, all I can think is Takeda has more money than they know what to do with. Don't get me wrong. I love being the recepient of such fantastic "good will" from Takeda. I can't believe how much they pay us compared to other primary care sales forces. As a manager, I can't believe how huge my LTIP's have been and it is almost unheard of to get that big additional amount added to my 401K once a year. To make it even better, I get an additional 7% added on to that because I was TAP legacy and they give us Tap legacys' that additional to "buy us out" of the Abbott pension. The money this company throws around is unheard of in this industry now days. I feel fortunate to be the recepient of such extravagant spending. It does suck that morale is at an all time low and not many are working very hard. Perhaps they should all buck up and realize how good we have it here from a compensation stand point.

Japan must have a ton of money to keep us all on and pay us what they do. No one can complain about that. No One!!!


The January RIF was in anticipation of Actos going off patent. Part of the plan. There won't be another one when it finally does. Colcrys makes more than Alo would have and probably more than Alo and Amitiza combined even if that's lost.

No layoffs in the near future.


The January RIF was in anticipation of Actos going off patent. Part of the plan. There won't be another one when it finally does. Colcrys makes more than Alo would have and probably more than Alo and Amitiza combined even if that's lost.

No layoffs in the near future.


Hey fucknut. Didn't Doug and his sychophants tell us the 2010 layoffs were part of the prep for the LOE of Actos? Were you not there when we were told Takeda was right sized for the coming five years. Funny. It only took 18 months to prove that was a fucking lie.

If Doug told me it was Tuesday on a Tuesday afternoon, I would not believe him.

The January RIF was in anticipation of Actos going off patent. Part of the plan. There won't be another one when it finally does. Colcrys makes more than Alo would have and probably more than Alo and Amitiza combined even if that's lost.

No layoffs in the near future.


Ah, how can one become a true lemming? I guess the above poster could offer some advice.

Hey fucknut. Diwowdn't Doug and his sychophants tell us the 2010 layoffs were part of the prep for the LOE of Actos? Were you not there when we were told Takeda was right sized for the coming five years. Funny. It only took 18 months to prove that was a fucking lie.

If Doug told me it was Tuesday on a Tuesday afternoon, I would not believe him.

Wow. Laid off in 2010 and still unemployed, huh? Tsk, tsk.

Takeda was right sized after the 2010 RIF if things went according to plan. They didn't.

Try looking at the big picture once in a while so you're not shocked when life gives you a big shitburger to eat.

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

think the glorious leadership team is making a little more than that. I'm all in favor of this new movement....maybe it will get HQ to wake up!. I'm hitting the gym this afternoon!