The next story that is coming out may have some serious implications. It pertains to a CSR and GSR who, instructed by management at the end of the quarter to "scrub the books" that means find cases that are not booked robotically and try to convert them to robotic cases. Convinced a OB/GYN fairly early in their learning curve to convert a non robotic case to a robotic case.
Serious complications arose and the patient died. Anyone who works for Intuitive and denies that it is practice to try to convert non robotic cases should look in the mirror.
You can't hide the fact that not long ago before you got hosed in the media you were required to train 2 gyn and 1 general surgeon each quarter. Your plan and review was heavily weighted on the number of trainings and the case output from each training. Your job was on the line if you failed to meet the metrics. You are compensated on how many bodies you can put under the robot each quarter.
Every CSR has one surgeon they trained that should not be doing surgery at all. Yet you convinced this surgeon they would be better on the robot and their practice would flourish if they adopted robotics into their practice. There needs to be a moral gut check with this company.