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...at least 300 surgeries performed with the robot since 2010... So that's $5,700 per surgery, not including the disposables that last only 10 procedures. So at St. Vincent's, they've added HUGE unnecessary costs and time to do a simple lap chole? Wow - that's amazing. Amazingly dumb. No one healthcare in the USA costs so much!

"Before the da Vinci technology, the only option for minimally invasive gallbladder surgery involved three to four incisions, each about 2 inches long"...fact-checking journalism at it's finest! Apparently, 5mm ports (forget about SILS) have yet to catch on in Billings.

This article is nothing more than a copy and paste of every other "news" story, written by ISI marketing, and spoon-fed to the podunk town newspaper who's hospital just plunked down $2 million for a new daVinci. Pathetic.

"Before the da Vinci technology, the only option for minimally invasive gallbladder surgery involved three to four incisions, each about 2 inches long"...fact-checking journalism at it's finest! Apparently, 5mm ports (forget about SILS) have yet to catch on in Billings.

This article is nothing more than a copy and paste of every other "news" story, written by ISI marketing, and spoon-fed to the podunk town newspaper who's hospital just plunked down $2 million for a new daVinci. Pathetic.

Indeed. I don't work for you guys but was in the lap world ages ago and can't recall a 2 inch cut for a trocar. Even if they were using 15mm trocars which no one basically uses. Sad when people write shit that they have no idea what they are talking about.

And cut down on hospital stay, queef. You are so simple minded. Stick to coloring books.

Are you retarded or just a KoolAid drinker? A lap chole is either a same day procedure or they're out in 24 hrs. I have 7 hospitals & only 3 general surgeons out of about 6-7 dozen use the robot to do a lap chole u thimble dick. It's unnecessary & provides no benefit to the pt or the hospital.

Well then you are a bad salesman. Really bad. Check out the number of hospitals that are using single site for choles. BOOM. BUSTED. BIG TIME.

Sucks to Suck!

Are you retarded or just a KoolAid drinker? A lap chole is either a same day procedure or they're out in 24 hrs. I have 7 hospitals & only 3 general surgeons out of about 6-7 dozen use the robot to do a lap chole u thimble dick. It's unnecessary & provides no benefit to the pt or the hospital.

U really are a nimwit. Answer my question why the robot is any better clinically that straight lap? No surgeons out where I live see the benefit of using the robot for a lap chole. Single site devices like the SILS or Gelpoint have been around for yrs so don't tell me doing it robotically is better for the pt

I'll try to talk in a language you'll understand:

u no read most recent morgan stanley conference transcript? u no read the #s given bout how many hospitals use single site? u no read that? y not? y u no read about all the hospitals using single site? y u so dumb? y u so very very dumb? me no understand.

U really are a nimwit. Answer my question why the robot is any better clinically that straight lap? No surgeons out where I live see the benefit of using the robot for a lap chole. Single site devices like the SILS or Gelpoint have been around for yrs so don't tell me doing it robotically is better for the pt

HAHAHAHAH! Best response I've read in a long time!

I'll try to talk in a language you'll understand:

u no read most recent morgan stanley conference transcript? u no read the #s given bout how many hospitals use single site? u no read that? y not? y u no read about all the hospitals using single site? y u so dumb? y u so very very dumb? me no understand.

U really are a nimwit. Answer my question why the robot is any better clinically that straight lap? No surgeons out where I live see the benefit of using the robot for a lap chole. Single site devices like the SILS or Gelpoint have been around for yrs so don't tell me doing it robotically is better for the pt

Yes SILS and Gelpoint have been around for years but not widely adopted because of difficulty of use. Robotic single site takes away that difficulty and creates a doable procedure. So in fact the the robot does make it better for the pt because it is now something larger segments of surgeons can perform thus making single incision surgery available to more patients. u understand?

I'll try to talk in a language you'll understand:

u no read most recent morgan stanley conference transcript? u no read the #s given bout how many hospitals use single site? u no read that? y not? y u no read about all the hospitals using single site? y u so dumb? y u so very very dumb? me no understand.

Listen to me u twit.....dr's aren't reading Morgan Stanley conference call transcripts. I'll give u SOME surgeons are adapting to single site lap choles (probably in Bumblefuck USA or some shitty "teaching institution" in Kansas or Idaho), but the vast majority of REAL academic learning ctrs as it currently stands (NY, CA, Chicago, Boston, Seattle) are not doing lap choles using the robot. Keep pushing the hospitals in those locations to make their dr's use the robot for a f'ing lap chole, and i'll keep laughing every time another one of my docs talks shit behind your back about how ridiculous it is that some 26 y/o tits on a stick only a few yrs removed from college keeps trying to tell my surgeons who have been doing this for 20+ yrs what is best for their pt's. Now stop reading Cafepharma and call your mgr back. He wants to know why u havent gotten any GYN's on board to do their tubals. Expect a ride along tomorrow starting at 7am STAT!!!!!!

If surgeons had to stand at the daVinci console, no one would get past their first (8 hour) case. Comfort is king. Once you guys get 510k on the modular cup-holder with 7 degrees of freedom, it's game over.

u lissen me u nitwitdimwit u. morgan stanley conference wasnt fur drs, it was fur management answering q's from analysts, n the # of single sites sold to hospitals was enormous. too bad u r soooooo dum.

Listen to me u twit.....dr's aren't reading Morgan Stanley conference call transcripts. I'll give u SOME surgeons are adapting to single site lap choles (probably in Bumblefuck USA or some shitty "teaching institution" in Kansas or Idaho), but the vast majority of REAL academic learning ctrs as it currently stands (NY, CA, Chicago, Boston, Seattle) are not doing lap choles using the robot. Keep pushing the hospitals in those locations to make their dr's use the robot for a f'ing lap chole, and i'll keep laughing every time another one of my docs talks shit behind your back about how ridiculous it is that some 26 y/o tits on a stick only a few yrs removed from college keeps trying to tell my surgeons who have been doing this for 20+ yrs what is best for their pt's. Now stop reading Cafepharma and call your mgr back. He wants to know why u havent gotten any GYN's on board to do their tubals. Expect a ride along tomorrow starting at 7am STAT!!!!!!

u lissen me u nitwitdimwit u. morgan stanley conference wasnt fur drs, it was fur management answering q's from analysts, n the # of single sites sold to hospitals was enormous. too bad u r soooooo dum.

LOL, this has to be one of the funniest things I have read in awhile! Why would a manager say anything negative on a conference call? Noone is that stupid or jaded. Of COURSE they're going to hype up the numbers and say 1/2 truths to make themselves look better to justify their existence. The truth of the matter is the ship for robotic surgery has sailed and although there are still indications for using the robot, there aren't too many arenas left where the robot can play. #TRUTH


We have approximately 450 or just over 450 hospitals that own more than one da Vinci with hospitals owning as many as eight individual systems, and you’ll see that in typically large programs, large hospitals, where there are committed systems to the various specialties we serve.


#titanic #2000lbpaperweight #goingdownhill #indenial #sickofhearingISGrepstellingdocswhatisbest

And P.S. for that one hospital that has 7-8, you & I both know youre lucky if you have more than 3-4 using them at any given time. Keep pushing those unnecessary costs on to the patient, hospital, etc and driving up the cost of healthcare asshole. Maybe you can start convincing some dentists to use the robot to do a root canal?

Today, of the roughly 1,400 hospitals in the United States that own da Vinci systems, 745 approximately have purchased a single-incision kit. So, this is really the second restart of something that is there that we believe.

#pipebomb #sorryboutit #stopbeingacurmudgeon #mylifeyourdream

Wow, good for you! According to the AHA's website there are almost 6,000 "hospitals" in the United States. Realistically we all know a few hundred of them are a joke or going out of business, so even if we use their number of almost 5,000 community hospitals, that tells me you still have a long way to go. Be prepared to discuss what you're doing this week on tomorrow's am conf call along with what your plan is to convert every gyne, breast augmentation, cysto, ACL, and dental cleaning case in the final qtr. leave no stone unturned! You should be speaking to every dr out there about how they're going to start bringing their cases to the robot!