Call was canceled but I have confirmation from both several people high up at BSC and several people at EC on the Fuse side (who are also being retained) is that yes, Boston is killing it and will more than likely offer to buy back the systems for what the customer paid for it. Honestly, I hope those who leased it tell them to get fucked then turn it back in after the 3-5 year lease is up. Those who paid cash should definitely jump on it though if BSC offers that.
BSC is going to struggle in the surgery center. Surgery centers do not give a shit about your GPO position or whatever strong arm tactic BSC tries to throw at them. I also see several lawsuits coming down on BSC at some point as some of the jackass reps will try to leverage single use products with pathology, which illegal and the government will come crushing down on them. If BSC could remove their head from their ass and train reps to actually sell instead of "contract compliance," they could see huge ROI on the single use product and pathology. Pathology is such a high margin / high revenue driver that they could probably leverage just that and make a good ROI. However, I don't see them being successful at it.
The arrogance works in the hospital as all they have to do is fluff the physicians ego, keep certain physicians as KOLS aka paid off physicians, and leverage the contract at the purchasing level. This tactic doesn't fare so well in the surgery center and given Olympus just got fined 680 million for buying off physicians, I wouldn't be surprised to see BSC in the news within a few years.