End of year commissions...

Dear Japan & England,

Start paying your reps, and stop stealing from
Them. You depend on them for EPS, and then when
You get it, you take a crap on them.
Olympus will find out soon enough, that veteran experience
Supercedes idiot greenhorns out in the field. You have a chance to do what's right.
Wake up before it's too late...

Look what happened when you tried to
Cheat before... The company was almost delisted and out
Of business... Will Olympus ever learn?

Olympus' downfall: Corruption, scandal, and 'rotten' management
Summary: Shares plummet after an independent panel uncovers the extent of Olympus' financial fraud scandal: $1.7 billion in losses were hidden by the company since the 1990's.

I'm so happy I left. If you are confident in your skills, you should leave, if you stay, it's because you either love the company or love the work and don't see what's around you because you are off the radar professionally. Olympus has competitors that offer the same opportunities but drinking the Kool Aid won't change the OLY way. They became what they were 10 years ago, big, inflexible, out of touch and arrogant. It's run by HR and Lawyers. Be confident of your skills and abilities and you will be much happier somewhere else.