Employees should not let Gonzo stay!


Just got off CIA ETHICS call. This company is full of KoolAid drinking yes men and women who completely counterdict the values they pontificate! Employees have the power to not let this issue be swept under the rug. Make this issue matter to Wall Street and CNBC. Let them know we, as the executors of their fabulous strategies, are not going to tolerate this unethical behavior and cronyism! It is wrong and they know it. There cannot be a smooth transition to Abbvie with this issue unresolved! Unrest within will continue the will destroy from within.

Just got off CIA ETHICS call. This company is full of KoolAid drinking yes men and women who completely counterdict the values they pontificate! Employees have the power to not let this issue be swept under the rug. Make this issue matter to Wall Street and CNBC. Let them know we, as the executors of their fabulous strategies, are not going to tolerate this unethical behavior and cronyism! It is wrong and they know it. There cannot be a smooth transition to Abbvie with this issue unresolved! Unrest within will continue the will destroy from within.

I couldn't have said this better but I know I didn't write this!

Just got off CIA ETHICS call. This company is full of KoolAid drinking yes men and women who completely counterdict the values they pontificate! Employees have the power to not let this issue be swept under the rug. Make this issue matter to Wall Street and CNBC. Let them know we, as the executors of their fabulous strategies, are not going to tolerate this unethical behavior and cronyism! It is wrong and they know it. There cannot be a smooth transition to Abbvie with this issue unresolved! Unrest within will continue the will destroy from within.

Exactly how do employees have the power to do anything? Unless your name appears on Company letterhead, you have only the power to do as you're told.


You betcha. Time to turn the tables and bring our big pharma muckety mucks off their luxury jets and down to reality. They can't continue to suck up all the profits without taking care of the people who did all the work they didn't like to do ( or perhaps lacked the education to do?)
They want us to "think outside the box" so let's get outside their friggin' box and get us INTO a UNION.

Stop the bashing! As for unions, they suck the blood money out of its members.

Hear no evil, speak no evil speak no evil? Sounds like that is your plan. When you are canned and have no money you will be singing another tune. Hindsight is always 20/20. You believe you are special, better than the others and it won't happen to you. Statistics show that corp leaders are very, very low on compassion. Miles and his low on ethics crony won't be thinking of you when the time comes. They will be thinking purely in dollar signs. You will be completely faceless.

Just got off CIA ETHICS call. This company is full of KoolAid drinking yes men and women who completely counterdict the values they pontificate! Employees have the power to not let this issue be swept under the rug. Make this issue matter to Wall Street and CNBC. Let them know we, as the executors of their fabulous strategies, are not going to tolerate this unethical behavior and cronyism! It is wrong and they know it. There cannot be a smooth transition to Abbvie with this issue unresolved! Unrest within will continue the will destroy from within.

Employees need to send e-mails or letters into these institutions saying they are casting a vote of "No Confidence." That's what they do to police chiefs etc.....

Hear no evil, speak no evil speak no evil? Sounds like that is your plan. When you are canned and have no money you will be singing another tune. Hindsight is always 20/20. You believe you are special, better than the others and it won't happen to you. Statistics show that corp leaders are very, very low on compassion. Miles and his low on ethics crony won't be thinking of you when the time comes. They will be thinking purely in dollar signs. You will be completely faceless.

Okay, I have no love for incompetent leadership, but where did you get the info that "statistics show that corp leaders are very, very low on compassion"? if you have an opinion, just state it. Dreaming up some preposterous claim does nothing for your point of view.

Okay, I have no love for incompetent leadership, but where did you get the info that "statistics show that corp leaders are very, very low on compassion"? if you have an opinion, just state it. Dreaming up some preposterous claim does nothing for your point of view.

If I recall it was done by a group out in Colorado that was an offshoot of S. Covey's practice and is highly reputable doing DISC assessments. I suggest you do a little internet research yourself, or perhaps look in the mirror. If the shoe fits...

If I recall it was done by a group out in Colorado that was an offshoot of S. Covey's practice and is highly reputable doing DISC assessments. I suggest you do a little internet research yourself, or perhaps look in the mirror. If the shoe fits...

I, unlike some not to be mentioned CEOs, don't fabricate information.

Just the same, the situation is unusual and, given that he will soon become AbbVie ceo, the Abbott board should take a closer look at his credentials and ensure everything is truly in order. Shareholders deserve to know that each and every important action and detail – whether it is an executive resume or an FDA filing – is accurate and can be defended with integrity. So far, the Abbott explanations have fallen short.

I am a DM here and have shared this story with many professional colleagues (both in pharma and not) and some are shocked to the point that they don't believe me - many have googled the story for themselves and simply are awed by it all. They in turn, have re-told the story on and on and on...

I can only wonder how many people know about this now and are amazed that this guy still is employed here.

Never the less, it is pretty embarrassing. On some level, I kind of feel sorry for the G-Man as he probably can't even look himself in the mirror.

I am a DM here and have shared this story with many professional colleagues (both in pharma and not) and some are shocked to the point that they don't believe me - many have googled the story for themselves and simply are awed by it all. They in turn, have re-told the story on and on and on...

I can only wonder how many people know about this now and are amazed that this guy still is employed here.

Never the less, it is pretty embarrassing. On some level, I kind of feel sorry for the G-Man as he probably can't even look himself in the mirror.

If his past job performance is satisfactory to the Company, all this hullabaloo is just a bunch of posturing by people who don't have RG's income. How many of us in Field Sales have a degree that's contributed a thing to our ability to move product?

Get over it people, if a college degree was the definition of success, we'd all be rich. There are high school graduates out there who can throw a 95+ mile-an-hour fastball, jam guitar, or construct a video game that earn more in a year than we will in a lifetime. Maybe it's time to worry about our own circumstances, and stop caterwauling about how unfair life is.