Damn straight. This is the effects of AF - aka marshmallow face
People people. Please stop bellyaching. Take it from me, there are many better options out there. Working for LCA is truly the worst. They will use you as long as they need you then spit you out. This is not a disgruntled ex employee. Just speaking the truth. Trust me, go spread your wings and be appreciated and earn what you are truly worth.
Yes it is in the toilet. There are 2 reasons- 1- Greedy labs billing crazy amounts for testing- UTI, Tox, STI, Molecular, etc. and 2- LCA and Quest going below costs on capitated rates to use that at a loss leader to get the FFS work. LCA controls 75% of some regions in this county. Look at SEPA, NJ, MD, DE regions. How this is allowed to happen is beyond me. LCA has a monopoly in that region. State Medicaid should be looking at the blatant regulation violations by LCA in their hospital acquisitions. Restraint of trade lawsuit should be launched by labs in those States! States think they are getting a great deal from LCA and Quest but they are bankrupting smaller labs. Once those small labs are gone, the pricing will to Medicaid will go through the roof because the big 2 will be the only labs left, especially since they are buying hospital labs all over the country!The lab game is over. People working at places like LabCorp and Quest are nothing but number punchers happy with their weak salaries. You used to make 250K+ in your sleep in the lab game 15 years ago.
Most reps are lucky to make 135k nowadays. That industry is in the toilet.