employee indited on 100 felonies

There has never been a RN working for DR. Duffy. Basically the AIT rep is the office Manager
Even though Trace Colbert is an employee of AIT and not employees by west Virginia weight and wellness
The AIT rep does injections, vitals and acts like a nurse. AIT was informed that she was not following AIT protocols. They simply said Tracey was "retrained " and allowed to return to Duffys office as if nothing happened. The truth is about to come out. AIT was fully aware of Tracey. Colbert was writing controlled substances as if she we're the doctor. AIT needs to be investigated too. And. KM. Is Kim

Justin Taylor knew about Tracey Colbert . Role at Dr. Tressie Duffy's
The reason Tracey was allowed to make the medication calls and write
For class 2 narcotics was because she was telling the crazy doctor what to test for .
Dr Duffys office was keeping AIT running....up to 100 urine samples a day. Drawing blood tox
And urine screens the same day...knowing that insurance would not pay for both screens
Taken the same day . Colbert came up with the idea to hold the blood sAmples. By sending thurine
The same day it was collected and send the blood the next day the company would double the amount
Of money she could bring In for AIT while she played doctor at west Virginia weight and wellness
Hence the reason Tracey Colbert. Was allowed to return after her "retraining. The AIT employee
Tracey was even turned into the Berkeley county police and investigated for making public threats
On Facebook....breaking HIPPA law buy putting a patients full name on the forum and the reason being
Treated at the clinic along with the threat that she wanted to punch them In the mouth.
The company is as fraudulent as the employee . I think AIT should be shut down.

I would not be shocked that while AIT moves its HQ to the basement of the lab because they are teetering on shutting down now; that documents disappear. I'm sure the shredder is working overtime. I wonder if they will get recorded again telling a doctor to double test because they will write down one of the bills or to tell the patient to ignore collections.