Agree with message - - - there is a troll polluting our site! Be Positive!You are so wrong - - - we love our management team! Take your lies and post on the Bozo site.
Agree with message - - - there is a troll polluting our site! Be Positive!You are so wrong - - - we love our management team! Take your lies and post on the Bozo site.
Spot on!Management now refering to Acthar as an "annuity" drug! What? An annuity drug? Blood pressure meds are annuity meds, not this drug. Acthar has never and is not FDA approved as maintenance therapy! Yet management thinks it is.
They give snake oil sales people a bad name! Er, I'm sorry, they are selling snake oil aren't they? Expensive snake oil but let's call it what it is!
troll here. Be positive, moron. Wake up, grow up, and smarten up. This ship is sinking. Even the rats are gettiong off. Hope you stay and go down with it.Agree with message - - - there is a troll polluting our site! Be Positive!
"Be fearful where greed exist"troll here. Be positive, moron. Wake up, grow up, and smarten up. This ship is sinking. Even the rats are gettiong off. Hope you stay and go down with it.
"Be fearful where greed exist"
Warren Buffet
Intellectual Troll
Stock price is down close to $100 in less than 2 years. Lol. No the ship isn't sinking. Hahaha the ship sank a long time ago. All you have here are bottom feeders that can't get a job anywhere else. Bragging about being #1 at this shit hole is like bragging how you won a gold medal at the special Olympics.
"Be fearful where greed exist"
Warren Buffet
Intellectual Troll
Didn't he sing Margartiaville?"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful" is the quote, genius. And his name is Warren Buffett, not Buffet, jackass.
Thanks for the compliment, but I am not the one you should be calling genius, that would be Warren Buffet!"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful" is the quote, genius. And his name is Warren Buffett, not Buffet, jackass.
Wow! I have gotten so many text messages and calls today and tonight from physicians and nurses in my territory. This is so embarrassing to be affiliated with this company. I feel sick by association. Gotta get a new job quickly!!!
Yes, I'm one of those fools that bought stock out of my paycheck for a very long time...and in the end the company screwed me over in so many ways...I lost a ton. If you can't literally put your stock into your own company you work for, it is extremely sad and pathetic. The best advice I got from a past manager here was TRUST NO ONE. I suggest everyone follow that advice. There are reps, managers, and even RBD's that will stab you in the back for their own gain