

Wow! I have gotten so many text messages and calls today and tonight from physicians and nurses in my territory. This is so embarrassing to be affiliated with this company. I feel sick by association. Gotta get a new job quickly!!!

Same thing happen to me. So humiliating. I'm in the OFIRMEV division and pharmacy will have a field day with this news especially considering they just increased our price too!!!!

Once again it's the reps that have to deal directly with all the backlash as we have to walk into accounts with our tail between our legs. This is the WORST COMPANY EVER! TERRIBLE REPUTATION IN THE ENTIRE MEDICAL COMMUNITY. So many physicians won't even talk to you if you bring up the company name. It is beyond embarrassing.

I agree!!!! Need to find a new job as soon as possible. Why is it the sleaze CEO gets a 30% raise on top of all this and now makes over 12 million a year? I mean that would have had to have seen this coming yet he gets a 30% raise? This is unbelievable. Never have aI worked for a company like this before! SICK!


The bigger question is how does he get a raise like that when the stock price dropped over 60% in the last 2 years?!?!?

MT and the others will steal from another "coffer" in the company to take care.of their own necks and give themselves raises. They do not care about anyone except their own pockets. He will leave in a few years and steal from somewhere else. HO,TM etc will do the same.

Once again it's the reps that have to deal directly with all the backlash as we have to walk into accounts with our tail between our legs. This is the WORST COMPANY EVER! TERRIBLE REPUTATION IN THE ENTIRE MEDICAL COMMUNITY. So many physicians won't even talk to you if you bring up the company name. It is beyond embarrassing.

Everyone has known for years that this company was criminally gouging the American MS patient community and the insurance companies that covered them. Don't act like you just got blind-sided by news of unconscionable lack of business ethics right under your nose! If you've been with this sleazebag company more than a month, then you have been a willing participant- an accessory to the crime , if you will. So the bonus money went to what? Feel good about it now? Maybe brag about it next family get-together? Won't they be proud of you?

Everyone has known for years that this company was criminally gouging the American MS patient community and the insurance companies that covered them. Don't act like you just got blind-sided by news of unconscionable lack of business ethics right under your nose! If you've been with this sleazebag company more than a month, then you have been a willing participant- an accessory to the crime , if you will. So the bonus money went to what? Feel good about it now? Maybe brag about it next family get-together? Won't they be proud of you?

Who are you talking to you fucking moron? Most of the people responding to this thread are from the hospital division not even selling Acthar. Yes, we want the hell out of this fucking company once we get new jobs as we have families to support. So get off your fucking soap box and stop acting all self righteous and pompous. You sound like a complete idiot so save it for someone who cares...which is no one.

Who are you talking to you fucking moron? Most of the people responding to this thread are from the hospital division not even selling Acthar. Yes, we want the hell out of this fucking company once we get new jobs as we have families to support. So get off your fucking soap box and stop acting all self righteous and pompous. You sound like a complete idiot so save it for someone who cares...which is no one.

Actually Hugh, the patients and their families care. While you jet back and forth, sand your kids to good schools and drive the latest luxury car, families are watching their kids have seizures since insurance won't cover your overpriced crap.

Stop complaining and get out there and "sell more vials" while targeting Medicare but don't tell anyone you were directed to do so. (Even though this new vial system is set up to reward only those selling a higher number of vials.) Come on, MT, HO, TM need to fill their pockets. This place is full of a bunch of sleeze bags that would sell their kid's souls to make a buck. Worst leadership team I've ever been associated with. We should all get out while we can!

Stop complaining and get out there and "sell more vials" while targeting Medicare but don't tell anyone you were directed to do so. (Even though this new vial system is set up to reward only those selling a higher number of vials.) Come on, MT, HO, TM need to fill their pockets. This place is full of a bunch of sleeze bags that would sell their kid's souls to make a buck. Worst leadership team I've ever been associated with. We should all get out while we can!
Management now refering to Acthar as an "annuity" drug! What? An annuity drug? Blood pressure meds are annuity meds, not this drug. Acthar has never and is not FDA approved as maintenance therapy! Yet management thinks it is.

Who are you talking to you fucking moron? Most of the people responding to this thread are from the hospital division not even selling Acthar. Yes, we want the hell out of this fucking company once we get new jobs as we have families to support. So get off your fucking soap box and stop acting all self righteous and pompous. You sound like a complete idiot so save it for someone who cares...which is no one.
You are so wrong - - - we love our management team! Take your lies and post on the Bozo site.