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Eisai also announces Quarterly Bonus cuts.....

You're exactly right! Only thing is - the joke's on us. First they give us unattainable goals back in 2010 with A23 now it's progressed to changing our goals during the quarter and they do it on a regular basis. Now we are so conditioned to this outrageousness that we expect it and we take it in stride. Eisai wins again. I suppose they want us to be grateful that we have a job. That's leadership?

If you're still an Eisai employee then you obviously are the bottom scum. Nobody else wants you. Just take any check you get and be happy.

How do they know??????

because the efficacy data is weak and the safety data has too many seeds of doubt and red flags. they don't have the money and time to do the long term studies on real patients that would prove the concerns unfounded. probability of getting an approval is less than 50% even with drugs that has a better profiles than locaserin. do you need me to go on?...

because the efficacy data is weak and the safety data has too many seeds of doubt and red flags. they don't have the money and time to do the long term studies on real patients that would prove the concerns unfounded. probability of getting an approval is less than 50% even with drugs that has a better profiles than locaserin. do you need me to go on?...

You losers are still working with that dog drug. LOL. You losers are funny.

If you're still an Eisai employee then you obviously are the bottom scum. Nobody else wants you. Just take any check you get and be happy.

Why are you so angry? Your response to facts is very extreme. I'm not at the bottom, I'm not at the top. I take my check and my diminishing bonus checks (diminishing not because of goal attainment but because of goal reconfiguration in the middle of the quarters). Maybe nobody will want me when they see that I have Eisai on my resume since they know we've been coasting for 3 years since they announced the first layoff.

Why should I be happy when Eisai and its management sets higher standards for reps then they do for them? They beat us down to the point where they think we should be happy to have a job. They constantly put up obstacles and processes instead of focusing on results. They have frozen our salaries (you really think there will be a merit increase this year?) and lessened our bonus payouts. What's next?

So are you happy with whats been going on since OB has assumed his leadership position? Has he lead us onward and upward? What have been the results since he's been in charge? Has he been an honest broker or has he just protected himself and his cronies? Just asking. . .

They're not...that's the problem.

Now that we've had time to digest the Aciphex goal increase, does anybody believe they'll hit or exceed their adjusted goal? If I'm lucky, I may hit 80% of goal (based on my trends), will that result in an LOE?

I just want the severance package but I fear they're just trying to fire us first.

Lionel has to get his raise from somewhere.

Whats funny is that recruiters tell me my salary is low for my experience so I have to explain to them that since Eisai is going down the drain, we got only 2% bonus the last few years with the last year at no bonus at all.

Lionel has to get his raise from somewhere.

Whats funny is that recruiters tell me my salary is low for my experience so I have to explain to them that since Eisai is going down the drain, we got only 2% bonus the last few years with the last year at no bonus at all.

Your recruiter lied to you. Your salary is not low, it's way to high for your experience. You're an adult paperboy. What experience is that? A 10 year old can do your job. Any money you make above $5.25 per hour is a bonus!

OMG! How did you know this? OB's latest email is almost verbatim.
Most people who sell Aciphex have been watching their IC attainment reach well over 100% for the last few months. As expected, all great things come to an end here at Eisai, suddenly.

OB and the bitch squad have decided that the sales force is making too much money with Aciphex so a good "screw the rep" job is needed. Now, all Aciphex reps will have increased, readjusted goals starting next month, November 2011 through March 2012.

Rest assured, no one will have 100% SGA on Aciphex now except GK, Michael's new poster kid of success and hhc. Michael will make sure GK goes to Nightingale again by screwing with the goals of everyone else and leaving GK's as is. Michael wants GK to make history by going on 4 Nightingale trips. Look at the current August Nightingale report as a baseline and watch what happens starting in the month of November.....

Folks, it's quite simple. You will either be F**** by being laid off or you will be F**** by watching Eisai steal every penny you try to make. We all need to occupy Eisai! Injustice looms everywhere at this place!

Don't believe the bullshit lines your DM will read to you on the conference call this week. Your DM will give you the OB talking points in which OB assumes that we are all blind, gullible idiots.

Please do yourself a favor: "if offered another job, take it." Your base pay is about all you will make around here from now on anyway!

Remember those lies by OB about the bonuses two years ago? Remember the San Antonio meeting and how a gentler Eisai was supposed to emerge because of OB taking over of Oncology? Remember OB's speech including his reference to his bile accident and about perspective in life? Are we better off today than we were two years ago? Did our bonus plan improve? Did our work environment improve? Did the micromanagement level decrease? Did the paperwork decrease?....

Let's play OB's tape from the meeting for him and ask Japan to evaluate OB at least based on his broken promises from that meeting.

Eisai Sales Team,

I hope everyone is having a joyful holiday season that is full of family, friends, happiness, and peace.

I'm pleased to announce our Leader Board through October, and I would like to recognize our newest members. With PCS, George Karyotakis is now ranked 2nd. He is working towards his 4th straight Nightingale.... (from OB to the entire sales force)

Wow, OB does have a personal interest in seeing GK win for some reason. The new goals are in his favor. Look at the older reports for 2011. Hmmmm?

There's a train heading toward you and you're standing right on the tracks. It's been heading your way for more than two years now as the company has restructured repeatedly. The question is: If this train finally hits you in March, 2012, are you going to blame the conductor? Maybe you should've just moved off of those tracks a long time ago.

GK does not deserve to be at the top. His goals have been watered down every year. Why does OB like the guy so damn much? Does he lick OB's balls or what? I'm just saying!