So are you saying he goes and works on this company, then this company merges with Rotech with Carter and Dobbs running the whole thing? Or, are you saying they both bail out of Rotech and jump to this other company and leave Rotech hanging and sinking?
Considering how sales has pretty much been "locked" out of most of the operations side at this point and most reps could not even generate a CMN any longer at this point to save their lives because of the system titled in this thread, I am wondering if there is going to be some type of organizational restructure here soon totally splitting sales off outside of the location and no longer reporting to the LCM? I know nationwide this format has caused many a rep to leave sometimes taking their business with them because they are slowly being pushed to the side in favor of LCMs and operations in general and being minimalized. That does not really go a long way in the morale area for sales and of course sales is what usually drives a company's growth. We saw this last year in the numbers for sales accross the board. Some of that was the economy for sure. Some of it was the massive turnover in sales positions for many different reasons. Some of it I hate to say is also due to the minimizing of the sales role and power in the location and structure. Maybe in the end, a merger will have its own sales force causing them to just get rid of all of the Rotech sales reps or vice versa and the sales will be split off in preparation for a merger so the sales is able to be kept and just rolled into the new company. Only time will tell. But either way, Rotech better get their sales force figured out. They need to put these people in a position so they are able to either run their locations and have power to make decisions in how their location is run(should have been put in overall strategic charge of the location in the first place in my opinion when the last restructure happened)or the position will just end up being a revolving door and Rotech's growth will eventually go down the tubes. Contrary to peoples belief above, solid residual business in this industry comes from reps who have developed relationships and been in their positions for a couple years or more. If you want to keep those people happy, you need to restructure and give them more say in the locations running and operations and not roll up to an LCM but rather an AM. Also, you can train an LCM coming in within maybe 3 months to do the job decently. However, it can sometimes take years to recover a locations business when a rep leaves as well as all their relationships. This was a big issue that has been ignored over the past few years and I think where Rotech made a very big mistake and it came to a head in 2011 in my opinion. Especially since it is VERY hard to build these relationships and take business from competitors when sometimes they have been in their positions for many years. It was very much a slap in the face to most reps when that restructuring change was made putting the LCMs at a superior level instead of a peer level. That and other issues with Eintake this year as well as billing is just compounding this problem in my humble opinion and is going to make the sales force of Rotech implode unless something is done. This subject will be key to Rotech's future unless they have a game plan to merge. Otherwise, they better get this fixed and get it fixed quick because they can not afford to have a year(s) like last year with further turnover in their sales force in 2012 and constant rebuilding of sales territores. And as an FYI, even with non competes it still does not change the fact if the rep leaves to go to a different company in the healthcare industry with different products those relationshps are still ultimately lost. And Rotech has also learned that LCMs in most cases can not pick up relationshp wise where a rep left off to sustain business. This is because there is actually more to sales then just bringing treats and talking to people. You have to actually convince them of some reason of giving you business or doing testing without annoying them at the same time. It is not an easy task for sure as many LCMs with SR who have left have learned through the restructure. Many of them would die to have their old reps back prior to the reorg because many of them were hitting their bonus at that point. Hind sight is 20/20 for sure. What do all of you think about this?