So i am delusional or a liar because I my physicians have identified that the IPA on patients taking plavix, in general is not sufficient, and have a meeting 2/8 to vote on switching all patients in house that get an OAP to get effient, and have loading restricted to the cath lab, removing the risk of loading a patient that will go to cabg and does not fit our criteria.
I think if you sit back and look at the facts, and not get caught up in what Plavix reps are trying to say to distort the truth, you will see that effient is a better drug than plavix in 80% of the patients taking these drugs.
Whats funny is that many effient reps let plavix reps out detail them on their own study (timi 38). If you knew the FACTS surrounding the study, you would know that major bleeds in our group vs the plavix showed 0 statistical significance. 0! however in many areas we are allowing plavix reps to paint this picture that our bleeding is so serious. Yes in those patients that go to cabg, or in the patients older than 75, who had a previous stroke, or less tha 60 yes. The key is I negotiated with my hospitals to have it restricted to these patients to take the guess work out of this for the physicians. In the short run my manager thought i was giving away scripts, now he loves me for it.
Finally. IPA IPA IPA. You win if you repeatedly show them how weak Plavix IPA is, and compare it to Effient, then point out the recurring mi's that patients come back with. If you were a patient, would you want to be put BACK, on the same oap that you had a recurring mi on and that has shown to not be as effective as Effient, and I could be one of those non-responders that plavis reps are trying their hardest to minimize.
Effient reps, you have to stop losing your own battle. We have a superior drug, for 80% of the patients, plavix is not the issue, Time is the issue. In time we would over take plavix, but our pricing and plavix going generic is the challenge. Sooner or later almost all hosptials will start some type of ipa or genetic testing, Cardio vascular surgeons want it, ic's are starting to want it. When they do, they will realize how effient not allows loading on the table and not use as much integrellin or reopro and not as much angio max, saving them money, but also they get mich higher platlet inhibition IMMEDIATELY.
Plavix reps, great job distorting the truth nationwide. Great job getting physicians to think of the bleeding, and think this applyes to all patients. great job getting them to ignore all the recurring mi's that patients continue to have on your product, or the weak IPA. Great job getting them to ignore the repeated fda warnings, updated the heart. org's update showing the non-responders is real. Great job! However in my area it is not working.