Effient Collapse...

I agree with you that management is going nutz, 35% from PCP come on !! I would rather sell Welchol or Azor than this drug. I think if anything were to happen, it will happen in August after next quarters sales #!

I agree with you that management is going nutz, 35% from PCP come on !! I would rather sell Welchol or Azor than this drug. I think if anything were to happen, it will happen in August after next quarters sales #!

Selling a stent only...dangerous drug to PCP is not only wrong,immoral and inappropriate...it is dangerous..DSI/Lilly are the scum of the industry. I am out of here, doctors look at me like WTF when I talk about Effient...I can't do it...you have to draw the line....I am only selling Benicar till I can find a job

Selling a stent only...dangerous drug to PCP is not only wrong,immoral and inappropriate...it is dangerous..DSI/Lilly are the scum of the industry. I am out of here, doctors look at me like WTF when I talk about Effient...I can't do it...you have to draw the line....I am only selling Benicar till I can find a job

Hello! Management...are you listening. Your OWN sales force is not even selling this drug because the window is closed, (for many reasons). You are losing tens of thousands of dollars every single day to pay two Benicar sales forces. Time to acknowledge you pissed yourself.

When Plavix was launched (as compared against aspirin) there were no "managed care" or "prior authorization" issues. Be patient, as there is a place in the market for Effient. Don't forget that 30% - 60% of Plavix patients are non-responders.

What is the world are you talking about? Of course there was managed care when Plavix launched. Don't pin the problems of this drug on managed care, that is completely ludicrous. Plavix was first in class idiot. Effient could have avoided 'managed care' issues if patients didn't run the risks of bleeds.

I hate people who always blame managed care. You must be from Ohio.

I love the 30% to 60% nonresponders to Plavix statement. If that's what you're telling your docs, no wonder they're not using prasugrel. Do you really believe that a doctor would continue to use a drug if they believe that half their patients won't get any benefit from the drug? Patients would be coming back with MI's, stent thrombosis, etc. all the time but it just doesn't happen. Don't believe all the marketing bullshit and hype.

You should know that you're an asshole and not remotely funny. Not even the first time you posted your ridiculous catch phrase. To paraphrase Mel Gibson,"give me back my website!!!!!!!"

I love the 30% to 60% nonresponders to Plavix statement. If that's what you're telling your docs, no wonder they're not using prasugrel. Do you really believe that a doctor would continue to use a drug if they believe that half their patients won't get any benefit from the drug? Patients would be coming back with MI's, stent thrombosis, etc. all the time but it just doesn't happen. Don't believe all the marketing bullshit and hype.

Well said!! Yes doctor please switch those patients over to effient so they can bleed...nevermind your clinical experience. Listen to me and my shiny detail piece! OOOOHHH Pretty green color!!!!!!

Laughing my a ss off at this ridicolous company going down the tubes! Can't wait for every DM to get fired. About half of them right now are interviewing for home office jobs and telling their reps that all is well! hahahhahahahahhhahahhaha

When Plavix was launched (as compared against aspirin) there were no "managed care" or "prior authorization" issues. Be patient, as there is a place in the market for Effient. Don't forget that 30% - 60% of Plavix patients are non-responders.

this person must be management or brand team...GET REAL!

I left in 2006 after the merger. I remember as well when Joe was basically fist pumping everyone in NJ up in Vaughan at the ex playboy club touting Sankyo will take over pharma with the launch Effient. Tully sold us on staying here as a career and we could be future managers b/c of the mass hiring. Joe and the boys also said we would never go to a pod system, that was a lie. All we had to do was ride the coat tails of Forest who basically put Benicar on the map no thanks to the lazy sacks of shit in our district who couldn't spell selling if you spot them the s and the l. Despite all that I almost bought into the bs but I just had a feeling there was some gorilla in the woods. not to mention I saw the economy going down the drain even in 2005. in 2005, lost a darn good DM that levt for CV Th. and the brought in some bitch from Ortho McNeil. She ran off some good reps including myself. left for a surgical gig in 2006. Even though I was laid off from device b/c JnJ bought us out, I was able to recover and now in a great job outside of medical sales but still in sales driving a company Tahoe everyday. our industry reps make upwards of 300k with average payouts around 120. not bad wearing jeans and a polo everyday.

I don't see why you are all being so negative... Remember that Rome wasn't built over-night. With the economy the way it is, this drug will just be a little slower than expected upon climbing to the 2-3 billion dollar a year range. After all, we have much superior efficacy to Plavix and Effient will save many, many lives so it is well worth the premium price... Think about it, what is your life worth to you?

You are correct! Rome wasn't built on pudding, however.