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Economics and the pension

Fuck it all, bring on a committee with strict guidelines on your usefulness to society based on your skills, education, wealth and other factors. If you're a overall negative on our resources, at 60-65 you should be euthanized to make way for productive members of society. If you still pass the contribution test stay alive until 75-80, however once your medical costs reach a predetermined level, pull the plug, cremate you and use your ashes to enrich the soil.

Let younger people move up and take positions of power, take money from the wealthy to educate the brightest students. If children have IQs less than 100, euthanize them as well, they will be a burden in the long run, end it now and save the trouble. You could use low intelligence people for various drug studies to further research to help the elite producers.

Use prisoners as forced organs donors for productive members of society, then do away with them also.

Social Darwinism at its best, let the smart, strong thrive and use the rest for societies overall good.

kind of sounds like how companies are treating their employees these days:

Scientists-You are no use to us now, therefore we will dissolve you and go to other countries where labor is cheap- Your Pfied!

Manufacturing "see above"- Your Pfired!

Towns- You are of no use to us anymore and we will not pay another dime for the sewer system you built for us- "Good Luck getting another company to move into a Waste Site"

Reps over 45-You are too expensive, you cost us more in healthcare and you may get a decent pension- YOUR PFIRED (for putting a bag of M$M's and a Diet Coke on your staples reciept and forgetting to put it on personal) Who cares if you gave us 12 years of stellar service---This is our legal excuse and we're stickin it to You

Fuck it all, bring on a committee with strict guidelines on your usefulness to society based on your skills, education, wealth and other factors. If you're a overall negative on our resources, at 60-65 you should be euthanized to make way for productive members of society. If you still pass the contribution test stay alive until 75-80, however once your medical costs reach a predetermined level, pull the plug, cremate you and use your ashes to enrich the soil.

Let younger people move up and take positions of power, take money from the wealthy to educate the brightest students. If children have IQs less than 100, euthanize them as well, they will be a burden in the long run, end it now and save the trouble. You could use low intelligence people for various drug studies to further research to help the elite producers.

Use prisoners as forced organs donors for productive members of society, then do away with them also.

Social Darwinism at its best, let the smart, strong thrive and use the rest for societies overall good.

Thank you for your truth in exactly what the far left thinks. It's eugenics for the best of mankind. That is their heaven on earth ideology because they have a god complex. They don't believe in God, only themselves. So to make life their heaven, the above is exactly what they want to do.

This is how your eco-nuts think and feel. This is how the far left thinks and it's how the NAZIS started. They learned it from the eugenecists. BTW, history 101, the Nazis were far LEFTISTS.

Thank you for your truth in exactly what the far left thinks. It's eugenics for the best of mankind. That is their heaven on earth ideology because they have a god complex. They don't believe in God, only themselves. So to make life their heaven, the above is exactly what they want to do.

This is how your eco-nuts think and feel. This is how the far left thinks and it's how the NAZIS started. They learned it from the eugenecists. BTW, history 101, the Nazis were far LEFTISTS.

Were they? Or is all of this something you heard on the Rush Channel today which is sponsored by the 1Percent and the Republican Party. Not to mention Limbaugh banks around 350Million Dollars a year on people like yourself and laughs all the way to the Bank.

Take this conversation to General Discussions. Its beginning to get Dark here.

Were they? Or is all of this something you heard on the Rush Channel today which is sponsored by the 1Percent and the Republican Party. Not to mention Limbaugh banks around 350Million Dollars a year on people like yourself and laughs all the way to the Bank.

Take this conversation to General Discussions. Its beginning to get Dark here.

Typical leftist retort. Can't win the argument so you try to mock me and belittle me. You read Alinsky's rules for radicals quite well.

I can stoop to your level and even lower, but then I'd just be an evil elitist leftist kook like you.

Looks like I'm hitting a nerve, huh occupy nut? Someone's got to call out your evil.

Typical leftist retort. Can't win the argument so you try to mock me and belittle me. You read Alinsky's rules for radicals quite well.

I can stoop to your level and even lower, but then I'd just be an evil elitist leftist kook like you.

Looks like I'm hitting a nerve, huh occupy nut? Someone's got to call out your evil.

Bet this guy bought "Life Lock". I know I did after a Pfizer HR person let a vendor steal all of our info back in 2006!

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