East Coast

Everything is going great we are making tons of money on Orocam

This is quite amusing.

Several years ago I was in marketing and told management that Orocam was a bad idea. AAH's strategy of premium pricing on generic products is utterly absurd.

And yes, it is a generic. It is no different from Metacam. Oral meloxicam is oral meloxicam and there have not been problems with Metacam. All the Orocam delivery system does is complicate administration of the drug.

I completely disagree with previous post.

I honestly really strongly hope that ppl looking at working here read these before they take the job. I wish I would have. I was lucky to get out when I did.

I agree, however I am still here but looking. This division is a complete shit show. Constant change...not for the better, comp SUCKS (for the experience they require to get this position they pay much less then entree level pharma), and you're pulled in a million differebt directions by every product manager. Oh, and thanks for making OroCAM goal completely unattainable and NOT setting us up for success with distribution so we are all chasing an unattainable goal. Abbott, you Rock!

Some of the comments here I agree are silly and possibly from disgruntled ex AAH but there's a lot of truth in these threads..especially about management. I do hope home office reads these threads. Someone needs to improve this division, I know a good amount of fellow VPCs here are unhappy and looking elsewhere. I love this job and Abbott, but the bullying and disorganization from management needs to improve for me to stick it out much longer.

If you kept your big fat mouth shut, you might still be there - rather than schlepping a bag around.

This is Mike. I haven't looked at Cafe Pharma since 1999. Nothing but anonymous pissing and moaning so I see no point in it. At least now I know why Candy told me I've been labeled a "trouble maker" when I have mostly kept my mouth shut and done my job. (Mostly, but not completely kept my mouth shut. OK, I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but I'm doing better)

Somebody told me about this post yesterday so I feel the need to respond. I was out of marketing almost 4 years before OroCam came around. I knew about Pro Mist technology but had not heard of OroCam so the post you are referring to is from somebody else. I still think the concept is good, it just hasn't worked out using meloxicam. The taste perversion is just too much for dogs to overcome.

I don't appreciate whoever this is running my name through the mud on a false assumption. You see the backlash it unfairly got me from the management team in the subsequent posts. (This explains the cold shoulder I've experienced from some of our leadership team.) Having said that, I have to admit, when I read the original post I would have guessed it was me too, but it wasn't.

Regarding schlepping a bag....I like schlepping a bag which is one reason I left marketing. I prefer selling. I had already given my notice in marketing when Ryan Chamberlain resigned. Chris Genal knew I was moving to Seattle to be near my wife's family and offered me Ryan's spot. The timing worked out perfectly. Now you know the facts, and hopefully the senior leadership that continuously monitors this site know them too and will stop accusing me of being a trouble maker.

It was me that wrote the original statement about OroCam. I am sorry it got you shit, Mike, but I am glad you are doing OK and have moved on.

Having said that - was I right about that product or what?

I haven't been in AAH for years now, but the few people I still talk to have confirmed that essentially it's the same old back-stabbing bullshit with no decent products and no market knowledge. Just a processing plant for people from other divisions to move on up the ladder leaving a trail of disappointment in the Animal Health market.

Given the right leadership, and the ability for that leadership to make its mark, AAH might be able to turn around in about 5 years with new products and strategy, but I doubt it.

It was me that wrote the original statement about OroCam. I am sorry it got you shit, Mike, but I am glad you are doing OK and have moved on.

Having said that - was I right about that product or what?

I haven't been in AAH for years now, but the few people I still talk to have confirmed that essentially it's the same old back-stabbing bullshit with no decent products and no market knowledge. Just a processing plant for people from other divisions to move on up the ladder leaving a trail of disappointment in the Animal Health market.

Given the right leadership, and the ability for that leadership to make its mark, AAH might be able to turn around in about 5 years with new products and strategy, but I doubt it.

Right On! Look at our HQ managers! They all were run out of their previous Divisions!! Why does Miles put these rejects into AAH? Is is because they are a protected minority? Total disgrace on how to run a business.

Really Mike!!!!? I wasn't here 3 months before you started bitch'n and moaning about how messed up this place was/is "old me-to prods and clueless management". Not that I totally disagree but let's all be real now. Just can't stand a back stabbing, kiss ass hypocrite. If you are half as smart and skilled as u think you are you would be ruling the rankings regardless.