I was hoping to find out some sort of information on here regarding a sales position with this division. How are the managers on the east coast? Do they work closely together? Are they fair with their sales reps? Who would you say would be a manager that would help an individual grow and develop into a better sales rep?
I don't want to make the wrong decision by taking a job here, so please give me your thoughts...good or bad...I would like to hear! Thanks so much!!
I was hoping to find out some sort of information on here regarding a sales position with this division. How are the managers on the east coast? Do they work closely together? Are they fair with their sales reps? Who would you say would be a manager that would help an individual grow and develop into a better sales rep?
I don't want to make the wrong decision by taking a job here, so please give me your thoughts...good or bad...I would like to hear! Thanks so much!!