Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

They are a bait and switch company. If they advertised $30-40k then they would have about 1/2 of the number of people apply. So they advertise $40-50k get you to the interview and say "based on your experience we would like to offer you $38k and its a starting point and you can get salary increases along the way during your first year". All lies. They say that but never do it and you end up getting screwed. They say it costs them money and your first year is like a gift from them. Yeah, right. You work for every penny of whatever salary they give you and then after that should have been paid double of whatever you made. Be very careful if you are even remotely thinking about signing on..If you could wait for something better I would if I were you.

in the neuro division...
I worked for this company in the neuro division. I also found myself in comp I and comp II surrounded by people with little or no clinical background. I do have clinical, and found that when I would interject with some very basic thoughts such as, when splinting, check for a distal pulse, it was brushed off as unimportant. These were geriatric patients with circulatory issues! It was more important to have a sales background! I thought during the first 3 mo's that I had it made and this was an incredible company to work for. The realization set in shortly after. The pressure is tremendous toward months end. My boyfriend called it "hell week". Fighting with insurance companies, and doctors to get signatures. And the mistakes made in approvals! There were so many times when I got the infamous "ok to fit", so I would fit, only to find out that something was overlooked, and I would recieve a phone call stating "the ins company has now said no coverage, or they are only approving 1 joint now.." so I would basically have to re-po the splint! In the end I had an accident while working, suffered a head injury, and reconstructive ankle surgery, and was let go while on work comp. Dynasplint didnt even back me up. They wanted me to market while I was in PT, and neuro appts for myself. How ironic! I am now with a wonderful company, making more $, and no hell week. Everything for a reason, I guess.

yeah I already read that post already...I was asking a specific question though??? Not everyone has the luxury of choosing from the multitude of amazing job offers out there these days...can anyone please just give a realistic answer as to what quotas are and what they should be???

I worked for this company in the neuro division. I also found myself in comp I and comp II surrounded by people with little or no clinical background. I do have clinical, and found that when I would interject with some very basic thoughts such as, when splinting, check for a distal pulse, it was brushed off as unimportant. These were geriatric patients with circulatory issues! It was more important to have a sales background! I thought during the first 3 mo's that I had it made and this was an incredible company to work for. The realization set in shortly after. The pressure is tremendous toward months end. My boyfriend called it "hell week". Fighting with insurance companies, and doctors to get signatures. And the mistakes made in approvals! There were so many times when I got the infamous "ok to fit", so I would fit, only to find out that something was overlooked, and I would recieve a phone call stating "the ins company has now said no coverage, or they are only approving 1 joint now.." so I would basically have to re-po the splint! In the end I had an accident while working, suffered a head injury, and reconstructive ankle surgery, and was let go while on work comp. Dynasplint didnt even back me up. They wanted me to market while I was in PT, and neuro appts for myself. How ironic! I am now with a wonderful company, making more $, and no hell week. Everything for a reason, I guess.

Just alittle off the subject but does anyone know what happened to S&N in Germantown,Wisconsin.Did they close down or just sell of their splint and rehab division?Just wondering

many people recently went on to a revenue based package, retroactive back to Jan., but then all of a sudden most everyone in the company had their worst revenue quarter ever. this was done by the company by adjusting off bogus claims from their gross revenue. most people in the company are now in a deficit situation that they probably cannot get out of for a full year or more, thus, Dynasplint will not have to pay any bonus to reps this year. they did this by creating a cost of living increase in your base pay but totally wiped out any chance for a quarterly bonus. if this isn't a lawsuit waiting to happen, i don't know what is.
if anyone is a lawyer out here, please HELP !!!

WOW that is terrible news...my next question was going to be does dynaslint have formal performance reviews that offer documentation for future employers...now it seems to me like you wouldnt want to show off your numbers from dynasplint.

WOW that is terrible news...my next question was going to be does dynaslint have formal performance reviews that offer documentation for future employers...now it seems to me like you wouldnt want to show off your numbers from dynasplint.
They do have yearly performance reviews but it's nothing fomal. They give you a newsletter every month of everyone's numbers listed out. That's about as formal as it gets. They really do a good job of hiding the "numbers" in case you ever wanted to sue them it would be difficult to generate proof. They are a bait and switch company through and through.

yeah I already read that post already...I was asking a specific question though??? Not everyone has the luxury of choosing from the multitude of amazing job offers out there these days...can anyone please just give a realistic answer as to what quotas are and what they should be???
Here you go. These are the neuro quota's:

Quarterly Billed/Quarterly Profit Tier Contracts Sharing Bonus

Tier I bonus 195 splints $4,000
Tier II bonus 225 splints $5,000
Tier III bonus 255 splints $6,000

Keep in mind this is a quarterly bonus so tier 1 you would need 65 splints per month for your bonus. Tier II you would need 75 and tier III 85. Most of the division averages around 30. This plan is not designed to make you $$ only the company. Good Luck!!

Here you go. These are the neuro quota's:

Quarterly Billed/Quarterly Profit Tier Contracts Sharing Bonus

Tier I bonus 195 splints $4,000
Tier II bonus 225 splints $5,000
Tier III bonus 255 splints $6,000

Keep in mind this is a quarterly bonus so tier 1 you would need 65 splints per month for your bonus. Tier II you would need 75 and tier III 85. Most of the division averages around 30. This plan is not designed to make you $$ only the company. Good Luck!!

more than 2 a day to reach quota, hmm thats alot more than I thought. I am assuming that the above represents meeting 100% of your goals, in this plan what are minimums???

more than two a day to meet goals is more than I thought... I assume that the above represents if you reach 100% of your goals. What are minimums???

Great info Thank You!

...FYI I interviewed with them and they were upfront about low compensation

more than two a day to meet goals is more than I thought... I assume that the above represents if you reach 100% of your goals. What are minimums???

Great info Thank You!

...FYI I interviewed with them and they were upfront about low compensation
The minimums aren't really mentioned. But if you don't bonus or hit your numbers you will be let go. This is why this company has such a high turnover. They can get rid of you at anytime.


195 splints / 3 months = 65 splints per month / 20 workdays = 3.25 splints fitted per day

but most employees are doing...

90 splints / 3 months = 30 splints per month / 20 workdays = 1.5 splints fitted per day

If you dont hit goals you are fired within 6 months...

= 70-80% Turnover

Does the above really describe Dynasplint??? If so I am so Dissapointed, I thought I had found a descent job.

Can anyone who works there give some advice on what I can do to succeed in this company for atleast 1.5-2yrs??? or write a "How to" on using Dynasplint as a stepping stone?


195 splints / 3 months = 65 splints per month / 20 workdays = 3.25 splints fitted per day

but most employees are doing...

90 splints / 3 months = 30 splints per month / 20 workdays = 1.5 splints fitted per day

If you dont hit goals you are fired within 6 months...

= 70-80% Turnover

Does the above really describe Dynasplint??? If so I am so Dissapointed, I thought I had found a descent job.

Can anyone who works there give some advice on what I can do to succeed in this company for atleast 1.5-2yrs??? or write a "How to" on using Dynasplint as a stepping stone?
Yeah look for another company to work for. I currently work here and can't wait to get out, this place sucks!!

Stop fishin' corporate...the minute I give away my numbers and how long I've been here I'm snagged....go screw
It's true, corporate is always surfing these sites to see what's going on. I knew a girl who posted something and then come Monday morning she was let go. Since when does freedom of speech cause you to lose your job? I guess Dynasplint doesn't like people telling the truth and they always try to twist things in thier favor or behalf. This company is full of liars and cheats! That's why I only lasted 6 months and couldn't bring myself to treat customers, patients or anyone like that. Best move I ever made was to leave.

I also worked for this company. What a complete joke. I was told if I did 35 splints per month I would make in the $120k range. I averaged well over this amount and made about $30k less than with my previous job. The company is full of liars and managers that are only worried about themselves and hitting their numbers. The best day of my life when I left that dump.