Dupixent patent infringement

Cry foul about Amgen as much as you want these are businesses to make a profit and provide medicines to patients ....in that order (if you want to be in a different order than you shouldn't be a public company with shareholders) At the end of the day Regeneron has a track record and approach to science that is incomparable in the industry and everyone tries to take shots at them..; they are innovative and creative and . have a big target on their back because of it - they need to pay more attention to IP on the front end to create less risk on the backend for these kind of fiascoes to be possible by competitors. Sanofi should know better as well - they invested 1 billion dollars on Praluent and probably 100 million on lawyers and may not be able to market in the US...thats straight up bad judgement and management. sorry

You give REGN a lot of credit. Where are you getting this info about creative, innovative, etc. I work at REGN and management disciplines employees for being honest, not stealing ideas, documenting cGMP documents correctly, etc. If you try to be ethical, legal, follow a moral path, HR finds you and reviews performance improvement plans.

Unfortunately we employ too many old timers who now hold positions of authority to screw us all. As long as the company shows no competence (e.g., failing at the core business of IP), refuses to listen to experts due to overwhelming HUBRIS, and lack accountability - we're all in the same boat going to FUCKED-VILLE.

As a positive, I attend work everyday anticipating which positive spin our "leaders" communicate...... LOL! Complete BS.

The leadership intentionally skipped reading patent files to complete documents FASTER. Awesome plan morons. Just waiting for my next check while anticipating another comical manager's meeting, LOL.

You give REGN a lot of credit. Where are you getting this info about creative, innovative, etc. I work at REGN and management disciplines employees for being honest, not stealing ideas, documenting cGMP documents correctly, etc. If you try to be ethical, legal, follow a moral path, HR finds you and reviews performance improvement plans.

Unfortunately we employ too many old timers who now hold positions of authority to screw us all. As long as the company shows no competence (e.g., failing at the core business of IP), refuses to listen to experts due to overwhelming HUBRIS, and lack accountability - we're all in the same boat going to FUCKED-VILLE.

As a positive, I attend work everyday anticipating which positive spin our "leaders" communicate...... LOL! Complete BS.

The leadership intentionally skipped reading patent files to complete documents FASTER. Awesome plan morons. Just waiting for my next check while anticipating another comical manager's meeting, LOL.

The post above is total bullshit. You don't work at Regeneron.

The post above is total bullshit. You don't work at Regeneron.

So what does working at Regeneron have to do with the post being true or false? If the person used to work there and posted the experience then it's true. If the person works there, then still true.

You must be the bottom rung HR c_unt assigned to please trolls.

Now go back to sucking off candidates in parking lots.

Just look at how many lawsuits Regeneron has been in concerning "Patents" ? How many have they lost? In the past companies would steal a patent then pay a royalty and make millions. Those days are over.

You are an idiot if you don't think that is cheap. That biologic has been in development since 1994. Even PBMs say that the price is fair. Plus that is the WAC cost. You obviously have a poor handle on healthcare and biologics. Please stay off this board your not in the industry with dumb comments like that.

You are an idiot if you don't think that is cheap. That biologic has been in development since 1994. Even PBMs say that the price is fair. Plus that is the WAC cost. You obviously have a poor handle on healthcare and biologics. Please stay off this board your not in the industry with dumb comments like that.

You're an idiot.

Humira and Enbrel are about 36K a year, and they are in the "news" constantly over their price increases and excessive pricing. Get over yourself.

since I sold Humira... it's a lot more than that now which tells me you have none of your facts correct. No one pays $3000 a month!!! That isn't even an acceptable statement. Go cry somewhere else you liberal schmuck. As I told you before no one pays the WAC price. Are you this ignorant to think that you really know what's going on in the biologic world? Get a clue no one cares about your opinion!!!

since I sold Humira... it's a lot more than that now which tells me you have none of your facts correct. No one pays $3000 a month!!! That isn't even an acceptable statement. Go cry somewhere else you liberal schmuck. As I told you before no one pays the WAC price. Are you this ignorant to think that you really know what's going on in the biologic world? Get a clue no one cares about your opinion!!!

DUH...I know no one pays that. The INSURANCE CO DOES--not the patients. That being said, 3 K is a lot of money. Regeneron didn't do anyone many favors. That's pricy.

since I sold Humira... it's a lot more than that now which tells me you have none of your facts correct. No one pays $3000 a month!!! That isn't even an acceptable statement. Go cry somewhere else you liberal schmuck. As I told you before no one pays the WAC price. Are you this ignorant to think that you really know what's going on in the biologic world? Get a clue no one cares about your opinion!!!

I'm not a liberal. I'm stating facts. I take it back by the way...WE are paying thru insurance for this expensive drug. ALL OF US

You're an idiot.

Humira and Enbrel are about 36K a year, and they are in the "news" constantly over their price increases and excessive pricing. Get over yourself.

Being a former Enbrel rep, that price is more than $40k a year now (although Amgen doesn't readily publicize that number). $23kish at launch