Dumping Delaware Running to england

1. It wasnt an American who suddenly promoted our focus on Medi,now was it?
2. The Americas region has lead the performance in many, many parts of our organization. Fine - move R&D over there. Alderly had some very fine science, but they have been shut down. Who's idea? Not an American. Really? We need that brand new site - Pascal's castle. Seems maybe we are not so broke...
3. Cant speak for the "big talk" at Medi but agree they are a bunch of windbags. Not typical of all Americans.
4. Go ahead and trust the Chinese. They use leaded paint on children's toys, put melamine in their milk, produce drywall that US insurers wont cover in our homes because they are toxic. Go on with your bad self. Move AZ's business toa country where we KNOW etics and quality are unheard of. Adulterated drugs are already a big problem. Let's jump in and make it worse. An AZ badge isn't going to prevent it.
5. Folks in the UK cant even select an intelligent American to run IT. Had an American had the say so, that guy would have never been selected. I hear things are worse than ever in IT. That's got to be some kind of record. Screwed up for the last 15 years?? Yep thats about time the UK had their brilliant idea to outsource to IBM. Huge success, eh?

None of the above was an American idea.

When will you in the UK put your over inflated egos away and do what's right rather than do what makes you feel powerful? Who was it that started this message with hate and arrogance? Oh, some idiot in the UK. Who's talking "big?"

Let's not forget the clinical trial programs which include ticagrelor were run out of London. The same clinical trials programs that are now being investigated by the DOJ. Poor monitoring may cost the company its entire US business + billions in lawsuits. Great job London. You got what you wished for. A quick exit from the American markets.

Let's not forget the clinical trial programs which include ticagrelor were run out of London. The same clinical trials programs that are now being investigated by the DOJ. Poor monitoring may cost the company its entire US business + billions in lawsuits. Great job London. You got what you wished for. A quick exit from the American markets.

Hmmmm. The big push to get out of America. Tells me that we dont have any real potential in the pipeline. If we did we would certainly want to stay in the US where the largest chunk of revenues have carried AZ for years. Pascal is rolling out the BS to move that stock price.

Hmmmm. The big push to get out of America. Tells me that we dont have any real potential in the pipeline. If we did we would certainly want to stay in the US where the largest chunk of revenues have carried AZ for years. Pascal is rolling out the BS to move that stock price.

The culture is so toxic from top to bottom there is no hope for change

Pip Pip

The culture is so toxic from top to bottom there is no hope for change

Pip Pip
The merger in America did not go well. The possibility of creating a new supportive culture died a rapid death under the caustic management style and the decision to go with the rank and yank methodology that ruined other great companies until they wised up and dropped it. AZ America never did because those in power were the beneficiaries and used it to keep themselves in power by eliminating anyone that might threaten their next promotion. Some of these character assassins are still in power here.

The merger in America did not go well. The possibility of creating a new supportive culture died a rapid death under the caustic management style and the decision to go with the rank and yank methodology that ruined other great companies until they wised up and dropped it. AZ America never did because those in power were the beneficiaries and used it to keep themselves in power by eliminating anyone that might threaten their next promotion. Some of these character assassins are still in power here.


The merger in America did not go well. The possibility of creating a new supportive culture died a rapid death under the caustic management style and the decision to go with the rank and yank methodology that ruined other great companies until they wised up and dropped it. AZ America never did because those in power were the beneficiaries and used it to keep themselves in power by eliminating anyone that might threaten their next promotion. Some of these character assassins are still in power here.

Zeneca had a very good culture up to 1999 prior to the merger. Change began slowly, at least at first in the field, while those in house were in terror.

Even prior to 911 AZ had a very good reputation as a great place to work by other reps from other companies - AND, they would TELL you that and you of with pride AGREED.

As the field began to deteriorate you told yourself that it wouldn't last long and the ship would most surely right itself eventually. As years rolled by that was replaced with, "there's simply no hope," to finally, "these people must be blithering idiots."

The merger went poorly, at least here in the states from a "great place to work" point of view.

If the U.S. culture is a microcosm of what happened to the rest of the company, it's no wonder AZ is in the state it's in.

Thank goodness we have garden leave and workers unions. As an Anglo-Swedish company it is essential that we focus on our strong history and look to succeed by going back to basics. Yes we have paid a major price from the Americans - Brennan was lost in the woods and relied on his American friends too frequently. Now we are acting as a Global company with European Leadership ! A welcome change and a breath of fresh air !!

Zeneca had a very good culture up to 1999 prior to the merger. Change began slowly, at least at first in the field, while those in house were in terror.

Even prior to 911 AZ had a very good reputation as a great place to work by other reps from other companies - AND, they would TELL you that and you of with pride AGREED.

As the field began to deteriorate you told yourself that it wouldn't last long and the ship would most surely right itself eventually. As years rolled by that was replaced with, "there's simply no hope," to finally, "these people must be blithering idiots."

The merger went poorly, at least here in the states from a "great place to work" point of view.

If the U.S. culture is a microcosm of what happened to the rest of the company, it's no wonder AZ is in the state it's in.

Too far gone for change. The back stabbing culture is too many layers deep.

Too far gone for change. The back stabbing culture is too many layers deep.
The final death nail was driven into the American sales force when MT was made VP of sales. This sent a signal that our culture was beyond repair and that the inmates had taken over the asylum. I am not sure if we can ever recover from the damage done by him. AZ became a place where carrying out personal vendettas was a daily exercise and having one person in his inner circle put a negative label on you would end your career.
They used the rank and yank culture to eliminate those who disagreed with them regardless of experience level or proven performance over time. He and his kind translated empathy and personal support into negative leadership qualities. The only way to stay in their good graces was to be constantly firing or punishing people. And now here we are resorting to the hapless European leadership to bail us out.

Too far gone for change. The back stabbing culture is too many layers deep.
So many of our best leaders are gone and all that remain are only looking out for their own self interests. The encouraging signs are that some of the worst have also been forced out by the new leadership. But, there is a lot more work to be done to get rid of the rest of those that benefited by the backstabbing, rumor mongering, character assassination behavior made so popular by our last VP of sales.

Really? You mean Brennan and Zook did a better job? What about research, did they find any new compounds? The US is a good place for profit but nothing else. Even the reps say they don't work a full day because there are too many of them. Waste?

Brennan worked his way up but then moved to the UK when appointed CEO. Appears he fell in line with the culture over there. Zook wasn't responsible for the science. And the overstaffed reps in the US - it's disgusting isn't it? So why hasn't the Brit in charge in the US now done something about that? He was supposed to clean this place up. He was just put here to flex the mighty Brit muscle. Your power trip culture and chaos=innovation mindset in the UK is killing us.

So many of our best leaders are gone and all that remain are only looking out for their own self interests. The encouraging signs are that some of the worst have also been forced out by the new leadership. But, there is a lot more work to be done to get rid of the rest of those that benefited by the backstabbing, rumor mongering, character assassination behavior made so popular by our last VP of sales.
The next step should be drilling down to anyone that was in his inner circle and fire them too. The only way to cure this culture killing cancer is to totally remove it so move on to the Area and Regionals and eventually work to Managed Markets and DSMs. They all need to go.
If he rated anyone high then that is reason enough to look closely at their character and behaviors. And don't forget to purge HR because they were instruments of our destruction.

There is nothing more hideous than the outrageous claims of the Americans at MedImmune. Inflated egos, typical American bragging, with NOTHING to show for it. Oh yes I do realize that years ago Synagis came to market - a second rate antibody. Have you realized that Cambridge Antibody Company has made more money and created better science with our work on Humira than the yanks have ever delivered ? Typical Americans, big big talk, with out anything to show for it. I say "Let's close Maryland too" then we can be done with the losers. It's easier to have the Chinese do the work.

The Yanks developed Zestril, Seroquel, Crestor, all franchises worth many billions, the compounds that made the company great, that is until the post merger decisions squeezed them out anyway. The site that did all this great work has been closed for over 4 years now, so don't look there for your salvation.

As for MedImmune, they are every bit as useless as Cambridge.

The Yanks developed Zestril, Seroquel, Crestor, all franchises worth many billions, the compounds that made the company great, that is until the post merger decisions squeezed them out anyway. The site that did all this great work has been closed for over 4 years now, so don't look there for your salvation.

As for MedImmune, they are every bit as useless as Cambridge.

As for Medimmune, look you is in charge of the R&D program and you have your answer

Hmmmm. The big push to get out of America. Tells me that we dont have any real potential in the pipeline. If we did we would certainly want to stay in the US where the largest chunk of revenues have carried AZ for years. Pascal is rolling out the BS to move that stock price.

Couldnt agree more. And we arent going to be discovering much - too busy building new sites that add no value. We wont get anything out of Cambridge for a long time. Strategy? Bullshit. SHAME on you Pascal